Ayurvedic Medicine for Skin Disorders like Psoriasis, and Eczema
Heal from within! Discover natural solutions for managing skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

Chronic incurable skin disorders are prevalent worldwide, with over 90 to 95 percent of cases having no known cure and only effective management options. Despite the use of top-end steroids, the conditions often worsen and spread. Patients are often told that there is no medicine or cure for their skin disorders, leaving them feeling helpless.
However, there is hope in authentic ayurvedic dermatology treatment. Ayurvedic medicine, including the use of Khadir, has shown promise in treating various skin disorders. In this blog, we will focus on the best medicine for itching and how Khadir can provide a solution.
Understanding Khadir: The Clutch Tree
Khadir, also known as the Clutch Tree, has various botanical and regional names. In English, it is called the Clutch Tree, and its botanical name is Acacia catechu. In Hindi, it is known as Kattha, while in Tamil and Telugu, it is called Karangali and Kangali, respectively.
Ancient texts recognised the benefits of Khadir for skin disorders. It was commonly used for tooth brushing, highlighting its sacred and medicinal properties. The small leaves of Khadir contain thorns, which contribute to its cooling and astringent nature.
Khadir has a bitter and astringent taste, which makes it effective in treating itching, cough-related disorders, and skin inflammation. Its cool and astringent properties help reduce acidity and inflammation in the body, promoting healing.
There is a strong connection between Khadir and several health conditions. Studies have shown that Khadir can aid in weight loss and help eliminate intestinal worms, which are often the cause of fungal infections and other skin disorders.
Diabetic patients, who are more susceptible to skin infections, can benefit from Khadir's healing properties. It helps reduce symptoms and promotes a faster recovery. Additionally, Khadir is known for its wound-healing properties, making it an effective remedy for skin ulcers.
To reap the benefits of Khadir, it can be consumed internally or applied externally. Internally, it can be consumed as a decoction by adding 10 grammes of Khadir powder to 500–800 mL of warm water and consuming it throughout the day. Externally, Khadir can be applied as a paste on the affected area for conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.
Overall, Khadir has been proven to be an effective remedy for various skin disorders, providing relief and promoting healing. Its versatile nature and numerous benefits make it a popular choice in Ayurvedic medicine.
The Healing Power of Khadir
Khadir, also known as the Clutch Tree, has been recognised for its healing properties in Ayurvedic medicine. It addresses the root cause of skin disorders, providing relief and promoting healing.
One of the key benefits of Khadir is its ability to address the root causes of skin disorders. Unlike conventional treatments that focus on symptom management, Khadir goes to the source of the problem, reducing inflammation and acidity in the body. By treating the underlying cause, Khadir offers a more effective solution for various skin disorders.
Additionally, Khadir has positive effects on suppressed diseases. It has been found to be effective in cases where diseases like asthma and chikungunya have been suppressed. By targeting the suppressed diseases, Khadir helps eliminate the symptoms and prevent their recurrence.
Khadir also plays a crucial role in wound healing and swelling disorders. Its medicinal properties aid in the healing process, making it an effective remedy for skin ulcers. It can be applied externally as a paste to promote wound healing and reduce swelling.
Furthermore, Khadir has the ability to eliminate toxic waste from the body. It acts as armour, cleansing the intestines and improving digestion. By eliminating toxic waste, Khadir helps improve bleeding disorders by reducing heavy flow and stomachaches during menstruation.
Whether consumed internally or applied externally, Khadir offers a versatile solution for various skin disorders. Internally, it can be consumed as a decoction by adding Khadir powder to warm water. Externally, it can be applied as a paste on the affected area for conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.
In conclusion, the healing power of Khadir in Ayurvedic medicine cannot be underestimated. Its ability to address the root cause of skin disorders, positive effects on suppressed diseases, role in wound healing and swelling disorders, and ability to eliminate toxic waste make it a valuable remedy. Consider incorporating Khadir into your skincare routine for relief and healing.
Using Khadir for Skin Disorders
When it comes to treating skin disorders, Khadir is a powerful Ayurvedic medicine that offers numerous benefits. In this section, we will explore how to use Khadir for maximum results.
The traditional practice of using Khadir for tooth brushing
Traditionally, Khadir was used for teeth brushing, highlighting its sacred and medicinal properties. The small leaves of Khadir contain thorns, which contribute to its cooling and astringent nature. By brushing your teeth with Khadir, you can experience its benefits for oral health.
Internal consumption of Khadir for maximum benefits
To get the most out of Khadir, it can be consumed internally. You can prepare a decoction by adding 10 grammes of Khadir powder to 500–800 mL of warm water. Let it sit overnight and strain the liquid in the morning. Consume this liquid throughout the day, or take one cup twice or three times a day. Internal consumption of Khadir helps reduce acidity and inflammation in the body, promoting healing.
A step-by-step guide for preparing and consuming Khadir
Here is a step-by-step guide to preparing and consuming Khadir:
Take 500–800 mL of warm water.
Add 10 grams of Khadir powder to the water and immediately close the lid.
Let it sit overnight.
In the morning, strain the liquid.
Consume this liquid throughout the day, or take one cup twice or three times a day.
Following this method ensures that you get the maximum benefits of Khadir for your skin disorders.
Alternative method: making a kada with Khadir
If you prefer a simpler method, you can make a kada with Khadir. Boil 2 cups of water with half a teaspoon of Khadir powder. Let it simmer for a few minutes, and then strain the liquid. According to a legitimate Ayurvedic dermatologist, you can consume this kada once or twice per day.
Using Khadir externally as a paste can also be beneficial for conditions like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and hives. Simply apply the paste to the affected area to experience relief and healing.
Overall, incorporating Khadir into your skincare routine can provide relief and promote healing for various skin disorders. Whether consumed internally or applied externally, Khadir offers a versatile solution that addresses the root cause of skin issues. Give it a try and experience the power of Khadir for yourself.
The Results: Khadir's Effectiveness for Skin Disorders
Khadir has shown significant success in treating a wide range of skin disorders. Conditions like lichen planus, fungal infections, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and hives have all been effectively treated with Khadir.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Khadir treatment is the absence of relapse or reoccurrence. Patients who have undergone Khadir treatment have reported long-lasting results with no return of their skin disorders.
Khadir's effectiveness is not limited to a specific region or country. It is available globally and widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. This accessibility allows individuals from all over the world to benefit from Khadir's healing properties.
When it comes to dosage and forms, Khadir can be consumed internally or applied externally. For internal consumption, a decoction can be prepared by adding 10 grammes of Khadir powder to 500–800 mL of warm water. This decoction can be consumed throughout the day or taken as one cup twice or three times a day.
Alternatively, a simpler method is to make a kada with Khadir. Boil 2 cups of water with half a teaspoon of Khadir powder, simmer it for a few minutes, and then strain the liquid. According to a legitimate Ayurvedic dermatologist, you can consume this kada once or twice per day.
For external applications, Khadir can be used as a paste on the affected area. This method is particularly effective for conditions like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and hives.
In conclusion, Khadir has proven to be highly effective in treating various skin disorders. Its success in conditions like lichen planus, fungal infections, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and hives, combined with the absence of relapse or reoccurrence, make it a valuable remedy. With its global availability and recommended dosage and forms, Khadir offers relief and healing for individuals suffering from skin disorders.