Massive US Dollar Dump: Potential BRICS Move towards a New Currency | TradeFXP Blog"

Explore the potential repercussions of a massive US dollar dump and its implications for the BRICS nations. Could this lead to the emergence of a new global currency? Read more on the TradeFXP blog.

Massive US Dollar Dump: Potential BRICS Move towards a New Currency | TradeFXP Blog"

Massive U.S. dollar dump? Will BRICS start a new currency? 

The global trend of "de-dollarization" and the possible switch to a currency backed by commodities and blockchain technology is threatening the US dollar's dominance. This could lead to a global monetary reset that would have big effects on the main sources of wealth in the US.

De-dollarization is getting stronger as more countries think about making their currencies backed by commodities. This will lead to a global monetary reset, which is shown by the record amount of gold that central banks are buying and bringing back home.

De-dollarization is becoming more popular as countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran think about making their currencies backed by commodities. The global monetary reset can be seen in the record rates at which central banks are buying gold, starting with the Bundesbank's repatriation of gold in 2017.

In 2017, central banks started taking their gold back from the New York Fed, even though it was becoming more common to invest in things other than precious metals. Central banks have been buying and bringing back gold, possibly because they expect it to be reclassified as a high-quality liquid asset, but it is not clear if the US has been doing the same.

The growing trend of depolarization and the formation of groups like OPEC countries on the Belt Road and China and Nigeria signing contracts with Russia for the Petro Yuan bond, which can be turned into gold right away on the Shanghai Gold Exchange, are threatening the US dollar's dominance.

Due to the growing isolation of the US dollar and the growing popularity of the Chinese Belt Road and rail initiative, which is settling on the new Chinese digital Yuan, Eastern European banks are likely to move towards the BRICS nations. After the US left Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Russia made a deal to work together on military matters. This could have been the end of the Petrodollar.

Saudi Arabia's decision to price oil around the world in dollars has created a "fake" demand for the US dollar. However, the growing trend of depolarization and the formation of groups, such as OPEC countries on the Belt Road and China and Nigeria signing contracts with Russia for the Petro Yuan bond, which can be immediately turned into gold on the Shanghai Gold Exchange, are threatening this "fake" demand.

Due to the dollar's hypocrisy and hegemony, more and more countries are coming together to fight against it. This is happening because gold is being sent to the East and the dollar will be used as a weapon in 2022, which makes people wonder if the huge amount of debt that was built up at low-interest rates was on purpose.

Saudi Arabia is thinking about getting help from Russia because the Petrol dollar is in danger because of deals with China and the fear that the US will use the dollar as a weapon. Saudi Arabia's announcement that their nuclear submarines were getting hypersonic ICBMs was a veiled threat to stop any military action against them.

The BRICS and a possible shift away from the dollar are putting pressure on the global monetary system. This could lead to inflation, spikes in interest rates, and a possible new currency backed by commodities and blockchain technology.

The Bricks and other countries are working together to show that they are strong and to stand up to what they see as the hypocrisy of the West in the global monetary system. This could cause the system to split in two and cause asset prices to be misallocated and distorted. If Saudi Arabia decides to accept other currencies for oil purchases, it could cause a tsunami of inflation and a great reset, which would cause interest rates to rise and asset prices to fall.

As agreements with the BRICS make up a big part of GDP and population, people are starting to question the role of the dollar in the global monetary system. This could lead to a global economy that is less dependent on the dollar.

A new system backed by commodities and running on a distributed ledger could lead to a new BRICS currency that puts all countries on the same level. This would be made possible by blockchain technology, which would also make the system transparent.

The US gives Ukraine almost $100 billion in aid, which includes weapons and intelligence. This could make the US a partner in crime, while Ukraine is heavily in debt and faces rising interest rates.

The possibility of a fight between the US and Saudi Arabia or China over the Petrodollar, and how the Russian invasion of Ukraine will affect the BRICS' ability to start a currency that competes with the dollar.

The move away from the US dollar around the world could cause its value to drop, which would hurt the main sources of wealth in the US. Even though Russia's ability to keep its end of the deal with the BRICS is uncertain, the global move away from the US dollar hasn't changed.

Other countries have mostly gone along with the U.S. because they thought it had a strong military. However, as other countries have grown, this may no longer be the case. Most currencies last between 80 and 100 years, and we are living on borrowed time right now because nobody knows if the dollar will keep its status.

Countries are moving away from accepting the dollar as payment for oil, and countries around the world are moving away from US treasuries. This could have big effects on the value of the dollar. The underperformance and bad management of the dollar and the yields on treasuries are encouraging other countries to find other ways. This could lead to a split in the monetary system and a drop in the value of the dollar. A global sell-off of the US dollar could lead to a rise in inflationary interest rates, which would hurt stocks, bonds, and real estate, which are the main sources of wealth in the US.

The move towards clean energy is causing all three pillars of wealth to fall, including the Dollar. This could make it harder to buy rare earth metals and other goods.

The shift away from oil and towards clean energy is causing the global dumping of oil, which is bringing down all three pillars of wealth, including the Dollar. Saudi Arabia is focusing on the majority of people who aren't going green, which is helping them move towards clean energy.

China thinks that the US is a threat to its way of life and has chosen Xi Jinping as its most important trade partner for the next 50 years. Developing countries think that developed countries are being hypocritical when they tell them not to use fossil fuels to grow their economies when they used them to become developed.

If the dollar were to lose its Reserve status, it would be harder to buy rare earth metals and other goods, and people would have to switch to a new currency. The speaker sees a story coming together as alliances are made and Saudi Arabia recently said that China is their most important trade partner and that they are willing to take other currencies for oil.


Accelerating de-dollarization and the Great Reset plan, which is summed up by the phrase "you shall owe nothing and be happy," is causing asset prices to be messed up, which could cause the economy to fall apart. The Federal Reserve may create a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and get rid of commercial banks. This could happen as the world's debt grows too big to handle and precious metals are taken off the market.

In the next few years, the Federal Reserve may launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC). This could be led by Lail Brainerd, who wants to get rid of commercial banks and move monetary policy straight to smartphones. The speaker says that the way inflation is being fixed now with quarter-point and half-point interest rates are not working. Instead, he or she suggests giving the world an incentive to find an alternative to the dollar.

The world's debt has grown too big to handle, and as interest rates rise, it can't be paid off. This makes the future look bad. The way money is handled now isn't working, and the only ways out are to go bankrupt, let prices go up, or start over with a new system like CBD. Central banks and wealthy people are buying and taking precious metals off of exchanges. This is causing a big drop in supply and could mean that people are starting to use metals as safe investments.

Countries are using gold to back their currencies and limit the power of central banks. They are also looking into the potential of CBDCs and taking over their mines. Central Bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are being made by different countries. In the future, there could be a universal CBDC, and China has made a way to pay with CBDCs across borders called "mbridge."

As a way to limit the power of central banks, countries are slowly moving away from using the dollar as the only form of payment. Instead, they are backing their currencies with things like gold. The BRICS countries could tie their currency to gold or a commodity to make it more legitimate on the world stage. This would give them some control over their monetary policy and keep them from being able to print money at will.

If the system falls apart, having gold gives you options and safety because it lets you keep your money and possibly turn it into CBDCs. Gold has been a safe investment for Central Banks, but some of them now own Bitcoin, and Canada sold most of its gold but bought some back in 2022.

In the current situation, interest-bearing assets might not be the most important thing, and Canada might nationalize its mines to stop any of them from leaving the country. The world reserve currency could have effects, but putting out a currency backed by gold could change this path.

There may be a mastermind behind the events, which would make them scarier, but it could also be a combination of things that are being used by unknown people. The speaker says that using the world's reserve currency as a weapon could have negative effects and that issuing a currency backed by gold could change this path.

CBDCs are inevitable and backed by gold. The US could reset its economy with a new digital currency, but the current commercial bank system is hesitant to lend money to the economy. Oil is too valuable to sell for dollars and treasures, and Dodd-Frank makes it legal for banks to use depositors' money for bailouts, so people need to pay attention and act.

Diversify outside of the dollar and do what the biggest and smartest money in the world is doing: buy gold and silver as outside-the-system wealth.

We made these guesses about things that are going on around us right now. Perhaps it will happen.


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