Old Money Lovers: The Stories of Bouygues, Porsche, and Hermes

Unveiling the secrets of how "old money" families maintain their wealth and influence across generations. Discover strategies like investing, philanthropy, and careful estate planning that contribute to their enduring legacy.

Old Money Lovers: The Stories of Bouygues, Porsche, and Hermes


Introduction to the concept of 'old money' and its significance

When cash becomes a family heirloom, passing through the generations like second-hand clothing, it creates a class known as 'old money.' These families have accumulated vast wealth and influence over time, establishing themselves as pillars of society. Old money dynasties have left their fingerprints all over the world of business, with their names synonymous with success and prestige. They have built empires, diversified their holdings, and become key players in various industries.

Overview of the Bouygues, Porsche, and Hermes families

In the French-speaking world and beyond, there are three prominent old-money families: the Bouygues, Porsche, and Hermes families. The Bouygues family, led by Francis Bouygues and now chaired by his son Martin, has made a name for itself in construction, engineering, real estate, media, and telecoms. The Porsche family, founded by Ferdinand Porsche, has become an iconic name in luxury automotive engineering and also owns a majority share of Volkswagen AG. The Hermes family, starting with Thierry Hermes, has established itself as a high-fashion brand known for its opulence and style.

Questioning the longevity and influence of old money dynasties

While old money dynasties have enjoyed unwavering riches and influence, it begs the question: will they continue to dominate the business world? As entrepreneurship evolves and new challenges arise, the sustainability of these dynasties is put to the test. Critics argue that old-money families may be resistant to change and innovation, while others believe that their long-standing reputation and adaptability will keep them at the forefront of their industries. Only time will tell if the old status quo will be challenged by new forces or if the big boys of old money will remain dominant.

The Bouygues Dynasty

Background of Francis Bouygues and his rise to success

The Bouygues family, led by Francis Bouygues, has a rich history in the business world. Francis started with a small construction firm, and through his determination and hard work, he built a successful empire. His entrepreneurial spirit and ability to adapt to changing times propelled the Bouygues family to new heights.

Martin Bouygues' expansion and diversification efforts

When Martin Bouygues took over the company after his father's retirement, he had ambitious plans for expansion and diversification. Under his leadership, Bouygues ventured into various industries such as real estate, media, telecoms, and engineering. This move allowed the family to establish a strong presence and influence in multiple sectors.

The Bouygues family's impact on various industries

The Bouygues family's impact can be seen in the construction, engineering, real estate, media, and telecoms industries. Through their subsidiaries, such as Bouygues Construction and Bouygues Telecom, they have left a lasting mark on their empire. Their commitment to quality and innovation has earned them a reputation as leaders in these industries.

Discussion of Bouygues' reputation and wealth

The Bouygues family is considered "old money," known for their longstanding reputation and immense wealth. Their success and ability to adapt to new challenges have allowed them to maintain their status as leaders in their respective industries. With a net worth of billions of euros, the Bouygues family is a force to be reckoned with.

Transition of leadership and current state of the company

With Martin Bouygues currently serving as chairman, the Bouygues family has transitioned leadership to the next generation. The day-to-day operations of the company are now in the hands of the first non-family CEO, Olivier Roussat. Despite this transition, Bouygues continues to thrive and expand, demonstrating its ability to sustain its success.

Overview of Bouygues' notable projects and Philanthropy

The Bouygues group has been responsible for numerous notable projects, including the Parc des Princes, the Forum des Halles shopping center, and Stade de France. Their influence extends beyond business, as they are actively involved in philanthropy, donating millions of euros annually to charitable causes. This commitment to giving back aligns with their modern and forward-thinking approach.

Controversies and criticisms surrounding Bouygues

Despite their success, the Bouygues group has faced controversies and criticism. Accusations of bid-rigging and inhumane working conditions have tarnished their reputation. However, the Bouygues family continues to navigate these challenges and strive for excellence in their business endeavors.

The Porsche Dynasty

Ferdinand Porsche's founding of the dynasty

The Porsche dynasty traces its roots back to 1931 when Ferdinand Porsche founded the company. Collaborating with other prominent names in the industry, such as Adolf Rosenberger and Anton Piech, Ferdinand Porsche laid the foundation for what would become an iconic luxury automotive engineering dynasty.

Porsche's influence in the automotive industry

From the very beginning, Porsche established itself as a name synonymous with precision engineering and high-speed, adrenaline-filled rides. Over the years, the company has created legendary models and has become one of the biggest names in automotive history. They have left an indelible mark on the industry and continue to innovate and push boundaries.

Ownership of other major companies, like Volkswagen AG

Aside from their own automotive brand, the Porsche family also owns a majority stake in Volkswagen AG. This demonstrates their business acumen and their ability to navigate the industry on multiple fronts. Their ownership stakes in other major companies further solidify their influence within the automotive industry.

Generational transitions and leadership within the family

While Ferdinand Porsche is often the first name that comes to mind, the Porsche family has seen generational transitions in leadership. Ferdinand's grandson, known as 'Butzi', played a pivotal role in designing the iconic Porsche 911. Today, the company is led by Wolfgang Porsche, another family member who serves as chairman.

Notable achievements and products of the Porsche family

The Porsche family's notable achievements include the launch of their first-ever production car, the Porsche 356, and their foray into Formula 1 racing. They have also created numerous iconic models, like the Boxster, the 918 Spyder, and the Cayenne. Their commitment to excellence and craftsmanship has earned them a reputation as one of the most prestigious automobile brands in the world.

Philanthropic efforts and a focus on sustainability

The Porsche family is not only focused on high-performance vehicles but also on philanthropy and sustainability. They have established the Ferry Porsche Foundation, which supports educational and social issues. In addition, the company has transitioned to electric vehicles, embracing a more sustainable future in alignment with their forward-thinking approach.

Challenges and Controversies Faced by Porsche

Like any prominent family in the business world, the Porsche family has faced their fair share of challenges and controversies. They have been involved in a long-running control dispute with Volkswagen AG, which has posed challenges for the company. Additionally, they have faced criticism regarding their use of animal skins in their products, raising concerns about animal welfare.

The Hermes Dynasty

Early history and foundation of Hermes by Thierry Hermes

The Hermes dynasty has a rich history that dates back to the early 19th century when Thierry Hermes founded the company. Initially, Hermes specialized in horse harnesses and quickly gained a reputation for their mastery of leather and silk.

Expansion of the business under Charles-Emile Hermes

Thierry's son, Charles-Emile Hermes, took over the company and expanded its operations. He introduced saddlery and retail sales, which significantly increased revenue and established Hermes as a prominent name in the fashion industry.

Emile-Maurice's contributions and diversification

Emile-Maurice, the son of Charles-Emile, played a pivotal role in the company's growth and diversification. He pioneered the first leather golf jacket and provided saddles to the Tsar of Russia, showcasing Hermes' craftsmanship and expanding their product lines.

Family influence on various products and fashion lines

The Hermes family's influence can be seen across various products, including fragrances, tableware, and handbags. They have a keen eye for design and have created iconic fashion lines that have stood the test of time.

Hermes' reputation and success in the high-fashion industry

Hermes is synonymous with luxury and style. Their reputation has grown exponentially over the years, and they are considered one of the most prestigious high-fashion brands. With a net worth of billions of euros, Hermes continues to dominate the industry.

Transition of leadership and current state of the company

After passing through several generations, the leadership of Hermes transitioned to Robert Dumas-Hermes, the first non-family CEO. Under the current leadership of CEO Axel Dumas, the company remains relevant and continues to thrive in the high fashion industry.

Notable fashion products and exhibitions by Hermes

Hermes has created several iconic fashion products, including the Kelly bag and the Birkin bag, which have become symbols of luxury and elegance. They have also hosted notable exhibitions such as "Leather Forever," showcasing their commitment to craftsmanship and innovation.

Support for social causes and sustainable practices

Hermes is not only focused on fashion but also on giving back to society. Under the leadership of CEO Axel Dumas, the company supports social causes and philanthropic projects. They have also embraced sustainable practices, aligning with their modern and forward-thinking approach.

Controversies surrounding Hermes' use of animal skins

Despite their success, Hermes has faced controversies and criticism regarding their use of animal skins in their products. Animal rights activists have raised concerns about exotic animal welfare. However, Hermes continues to navigate these challenges and remains a prominent name in the fashion industry.


Reflecting on the stories of Bouygues, Porsche, and Hermes, it is clear that these old money dynasties have left a significant impact on their respective industries. From construction and engineering to luxury automotive engineering and high fashion, these families have built empires and established themselves as leaders.

However, the future of old money dynasties is not without challenges. As entrepreneurship evolves and new forces emerge, the sustainability and influence of these families will be put to the test. Critics argue that old-money families may be resistant to change and innovation, while others believe that their long-standing reputation and adaptability will keep them at the forefront of their industries.

Only time will tell if these old money dynasties will continue to dominate the business world or if they will face challenges to their status quo. Regardless, the stories of Bouygues, Porsche, and Hermes serve as a testament to the power and longevity of these families, as well as their ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

The stories of these old money dynasties are a fascinating look into the world of wealth, influence, and legacy. Whether they will face new challenges or continue to reign supreme, their contributions to their industries cannot be denied. Their stories serve as an inspiration and a reminder of the power of family, hard work, and adaptability in the world of business.