The Habits and Mindsets of Billionaires: Lessons from Talking with 100 of Them

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The Habits and Mindsets of Billionaires: Lessons from Talking with 100 of Them

Texting vs. Calling: The Value of Time

Billionaires have a preference for texting over phone calls, and this is not without reason. These individuals understand the value of their time more than anyone else. Phone calls can be time-consuming and can distract them from making money, which is their ultimate goal.

Texting allows for quick and efficient communication, enabling billionaires to send off a text or a voice note in a matter of seconds. They often utilise secure messaging apps like Signal for sensitive information, ensuring that messages can disappear quickly.

Not only does texting save time for billionaires, but it also saves time for both parties involved in the conversation. While a person trying to buy a million-dollar home may call and meet in person multiple times, billionaires prefer to communicate through text messages, eliminating the need for unnecessary meetings and phone calls.

By prioritising texting over calling, billionaires demonstrate their mastery of not wasting time. They understand that time is their most valuable asset, and they are experts at making decisions quickly. Whether it's ordering at a restaurant without reviewing the menu or swiftly making big business decisions, billionaires are always on the lookout for ways to optimise their time.

If you are looking to work with billionaires, try texting them. They appreciate efficient communication and do not waste time, not even yours. By embracing the value of time, billionaires have mastered the art of maximising their productivity and achieving extraordinary success.

Efficiency in Decision-Making

  • Billionaires prioritise not wasting time.

  • They make quick decisions, even in small matters like ordering food.

  • They understand the value of everyone's time, including waiters.

  • Making big decisions quickly is a key trait of billionaires.

Billionaires have mastered the art of efficiency in decision-making. They recognise that time is their most valuable asset, and they prioritise not wasting it. Whether it's ordering food at a restaurant or making big business decisions, billionaires are known for their ability to make quick choices.

Even in small matters like ordering food, billionaires don't waste time reviewing menus or asking for specials. They understand that the value of their time extends to everyone around them, including waiters. By swiftly making decisions, billionaires ensure that they maximise their productivity and achieve extraordinary success.

Guarding Against Being Taken Advantage Of

  • Billionaires are cautious and sceptical of new relationships.

  • They have been taken advantage of in the past.

  • Building trust is crucial to working with billionaires.

  • Proving oneself by working for free or gaining trust through their outer circle

  • Loyalty is important, but mistakes can lead to the quick termination of relationships.

Working with billionaires requires an understanding of how cautious and sceptical they can be when it comes to new relationships. They have been taken advantage of in the past and have learned from those experiences. Therefore, building trust is crucial to establishing a working relationship with them.

One way to prove oneself to billionaires is by offering to work for free. This gesture shows that you are not looking to take advantage of them and are willing to put in the effort without expecting immediate financial gain. Additionally, gaining trust through their outer circle, such as by interacting with their landscaper or private banker, can help establish credibility.

Billionaires place a high value on loyalty, but it's important to remember that even one slip-up can result in a swift breakup of the relationship. Billionaires have high expectations and demand excellence from those they work with. Therefore, it is essential to consistently deliver results and meet their expectations to maintain their trust.

Differentiating Possessions and Investments

  • Billionaires understand the difference between spending and investing.

  • They are frugal when it comes to material possessions.

  • They overspend on investments that lead to future growth.

  • Examples of smart investments include yachts and properties for business purposes.

Billionaires have a unique understanding of the difference between possessions and investments. While they may be frugal when it comes to material possessions, they are willing to overspend on investments that will ultimately lead to future growth.

For example, billionaires may choose to invest in luxury yachts that can be used to host business meetings and networking events. These yachts become a valuable asset for conducting important discussions and closing deals.

Similarly, billionaires may invest in properties located in strategic business areas. These properties serve as a platform for conducting business and building relationships with other influential individuals.

By differentiating between possessions and investments, billionaires ensure that they are making smart financial decisions that will contribute to their long-term success.

Focus on core strengths and delegation.

  • Billionaires prioritise their core strengths.

  • They delegate tasks and focus on what they excel at.

  • Leveraging other people's skills and work is the key to success.

  • Shifting mindsets to focus on core strengths and delegate the rest

Billionaires have a unique ability to prioritise their core strengths and delegate tasks that are outside of their expertise. They understand that their time and energy are best spent on the things they excel at while leveraging the skills and work of others for the rest.

By focusing on their core strengths, billionaires can maximise their productivity and achieve extraordinary success. They can make quick decisions and take decisive action in their areas of expertise while trusting others to handle the tasks they are not as skilled in.

This mindset shift allows billionaires to optimise their time and resources, ensuring that they are making the most of their talents and achieving the greatest results. It also allows them to build strong teams, surround themselves with people who complement their skills, and fill in the gaps.

Billionaires: Regular People with High-Quality Problems

  • Billionaires face unique problems despite their wealth.

  • They have higher-quality problems that require specific solutions.

  • Being able to solve these problems can open doors in the billionaire community.

  • Billionaires still have human emotions and desires.

Although billionaires may have vast wealth, they still face their fair share of problems. However, these problems are of a higher quality and require unique solutions. From dealing with private jet malfunctions to making quick decisions about multi-million dollar deals, billionaires have a different set of challenges compared to the average person.

As someone who can solve these high-quality problems, you have the potential to gain access to the billionaire community. By demonstrating your ability to handle their unique issues, you can establish trust and credibility among these individuals.

It's important to remember that, despite their wealth, billionaires are still human beings with emotions and desires. They may cry while watching a movie or have moments of frustration. Understanding their humanity can help you build authentic relationships with billionaires and navigate their world more effectively.