China's "Walking Pneumonia" Outbreak Worsens: Thousands Hospitalized
A peek into the recent flu in China, Is it happening again?

We commence with the outbreak in China, which is of such magnitude that it cannot be disregarded. They are currently registering an excess of 10,000 cases on a daily basis. The majority of the patients are children who are falling ill with an enigmatic form of pneumonia. They possess lungs that are infected and are experiencing a fever, yet the origin of the ailment remains uncertain. You are not acquainted with the precise nature of this ailment, and China refuses to disclose the number of cases or the extent of the outbreak. Informally, it has been referred to as a case of ambulatory pneumonia. Officially, China is uncertain about the nature of its current situation. However, we have managed to gather some information and form a coherent understanding.
It is of considerable magnitude, accommodating a multitude of patients, primarily children. There is anecdotal evidence from significant hotspots, such as the capital of China, Beijing. The Beijing Children's Hospital is currently experiencing an overwhelming influx of patients, with a staggering number of 7,000 individuals seeking medical attention on a daily basis. That is the daily count, an average of 7,000,000 patients. Another popular destination is Tangin. It is a metropolis located in northern China, in close proximity to Beijing. Last Saturday, there was a significant surge reported, with over 13,000 cases recorded within a span of 24 hours.
It is worth noting that these cases originated at a single hospital, namely The Children's Hospital, which happens to be the largest healthcare facility in the city. This occurrence serves as a reminder of the valuable lessons imparted by the ongoing pandemic. These numbers are merely a cautious approximation. The aforementioned figures fail to encompass the complete magnitude of the crisis. Assuming that 13,000 patients are admitted to hospitals, it is highly probable that there are numerous individuals beyond those walls, many of whom are harboring the infection. That is the initial point to observe. The second point is as follows: The outbreak is not of recent origin. It must have commenced weeks ago for the numbers to burgeon in such a manner, as it seems that thousands of patients in numerous cities in China are presently afflicted.
Allow me to present to you a collection of images that are currently circulating once more. These are Chinese hospitals. They are burdened excessively. Please observe this particular report: Are parents standing in lengthy lines, patiently awaiting medical attention for their offspring? There is also a capture of a hospital screen. It is stated that there are over 700 patients in the queue. There are currently 700 patients in the queue. May I inquire as to the estimated waiting time to consult with a physician? After a lapse of more than 13 hours, we are once again presented with this image originating from a medical facility in China. These children are ill.
They have been placed on an intravenous drip, yet they persist in attending to their academic responsibilities. This appears to be a classroom within a hospital. All of it is quite alarming, but do you know what Beijing says? It is not uncommon. Today, they issued a statement affirming that they have not discovered anything out of the ordinary. They discovered no novel pathogens, signifying the absence of new viruses or bacteria. China is essentially asserting that this ailment is not novel, and this is the information they have conveyed to the World Health Organisation. However, what is the underlying cause of the sudden increase?
Why, pray tell, are a multitude of children in China succumbing to illness? As per the Chinese reports, they are grappling with a formidable tempest, an unpleasant influenza season wherein various ailments are circulating, such as influenza and microplasma neoni. Bacteria are the cause of the infection. This is China's assurance; however, please bear in mind the same. China deceived the global community in the year 2019 in a comparable manner. China insisted on downplaying the outbreak of the Wuhan virus, despite its rapid spread. There was no transmission of the virus between individuals; they deceived the global community and those who trusted their statements.
This time, it was an error that resulted in the loss of millions of lives worldwide. China has graciously imparted certain data to the World Health Organisation (WHO), yet a few learned individuals, such as Dr. Ktia and Kali She's, an esteemed expert in infectious diseases and a distinguished member of the WHO's health emergency team, express their reservations regarding its adequacy. Allow me to cite the words she spoke: I was greatly troubled when the initial reports of the alert were received towards the conclusion of 2019, and I remain troubled. Presently, China finds itself in the midst of its inaugural winter without a rigorous lockdown, thereby potentially encountering a surge in respiratory infections akin to other nations emerging from their respective lockdowns.
This could pertain to any matter; let us acquire further details, and it is crucial to note the significance of the final four words. Let us acquire further information. Experts are sounding the alarm, and global leaders must not dismiss this matter casually. We must maintain vigilance. India, likewise, is observing the situation in China. New Delhi issued a statement today. It has been stated that India is at low risk from the outbreak occurring in China. However, it is being observed. We assert that it is most prudent to err on the side of caution and refrain from excessive diplomacy in this matter, for the previous occurrence of a similar nature resulted in a global pandemic.
We are unable to afford the repetition of identical errors.