Here's why you'll never make money in Forex: Why Most Traders Fail in the Forex Market

Dive into the harsh realities of Forex trading and discover why most traders fail. Learn about the "Cycle of Doom," the dangers of unrealistic expectations, and the peril of excessive leverage. Gain insights into building a robust trading strategy, setting realistic goals, and the importance of risk management to navigate the Forex market successfully.

Here's why you'll never make money in Forex: Why Most Traders Fail in the Forex Market


Hello! I'd like to discuss something that's often missed when people talk about trading: why the majority of traders don't succeed in Forex. With thirty years under my belt, I've witnessed quite a bit, and I'm here to pass on what I've learned to you. We're going to look at the so-called "Cycle of Doom" and other usual traps that many traders stumble into.

The Cycle of Doom

A big reason many traders wind up unsuccessful in the forex market is that they get stuck in what I've dubbed the "Cycle of Doom." It begins when a trader starts using a certain strategy they picked up, be it one they made, borrowed from someone else, or bought off the internet. At the start, it seems great, and they even earn some cash, but after a while, they hit a losing streak. That's when doubt creeps in about their chosen strategy.

Instead of sticking to their plan and trusting it, traders often make small tweaks, hoping for better results. Short victories followed by losses repeat themselves over and over. In the end, they give up on their plan and look for a new one, keeping up this losing cycle.

Building Confidence in Your Strategy

To stay out of this losing cycle, you need to really believe in the plan you're using in the market. The best way to build this confidence is by thoroughly testing your strategy against past data. When you study past market performance, you learn how your strategy performs when you win and when you lose. This information helps set sensible expectations and keeps your faith during tough times.

Realistic Expectations

Many traders struggle because they enter the forex market thinking they'll get rich quick. Don't buy into the sales pitches of experts and teachers who claim you can get rich quick and make a tonne of money with a small trading account overnight. The truth is much different.

Although it's doable to earn a living with a modest trading account, it takes hard work, time, and down-to-earth goals. Brokers lure in traders with sweet deals and big leverage, yet these moves often lead to losses for the trader. It's key to know what's actually possible in the forex game and steer clear of tempting but unrealistic promises.

Staying Clear of Too Much Leverage

Going overboard with borrowing money for trades is a top reason folks strike out in the forex market. Many traders bite off more than they can chew because they dream too big. Brokers offer high leverage knowing full well that many traders will follow their greed and end up busting their accounts.

To sidestep this snare, grasping the risks of overleveraging is crucial, and understanding how to manage risk is vital. By setting achievable targets and using leverage wisely, you can safeguard your investment and boost your chances of making a profit.

Action Steps

Well, let's get this straight: forex trading isn't for everyone. Just like not all of us are cut out to be doctors or engineers, and while anyone can technically sing, drawing a crowd is another story. It's similar to forex trading. If you're thinking it's like rolling dice in a casino, think again. You're likely to lose big time.

If trading isn't your natural skill, you have two options.

You could put in the effort, spend years grinding through tough research and analysis to develop the skill, or you could take a simpler route. Let someone else trade for you, and you just kick back a portion of the profits as their fee.

I know plenty of people who can bring in good profits in your account, and here's the deal: only pay them a fee for what they make in your account as profits. The account will still be under your name with your broker. That stays the same. And remember, you're not going to transfer any funds to them. You simply provide the trading username and password. You hold master control. That's another route to making money. Wondering why you should earn quick? Check out my blog about 2027 to 2028 to understand.

In our next session, I'll cover what to do to avoid burnout—something major is on the horizon. Trust me, this isn't about luck and definitely not a gamble. Stay focused and reflective. Consider your financial history—the gains and the losses. That's where you'll find your answer. If your gains aren't triple or even tenfold compared to your starting capital, maybe this isn't for you. No need to take it personally; just saying.

Be careful not to get hurt, alright? It's a special calling to trade in forex. If it's not your thing, do yourself a favor and steer clear.


Trading in the Forex market is tough and can be full of surprises. Still, you can boost your odds of doing well by staying away from the notorious cycle of doom and setting attainable goals. Gaining confidence in your trading plan by thoroughly testing it beforehand and not taking on too much debt are critical for your success as a trader.

I trust this article has been useful in shedding light on why so many traders stumble in the forex market. Do you have questions or want to talk about your own experiences? Don't hesitate to get in touch. Keep in mind that being successful at trading requires patience, dedication, and keeping it real. I wish you the best in your future trades!