Occult World of Business and Finance -Chapter 1
Dive into the hidden depths of the 'Occult World of Business and Finance'. This insightful exploration unveils the lesser-known connections between the occult and the financial world, revealing how mystical and esoteric practices influence modern business and economic strategies.

The Illusion of Law and Order and the Hidden Agendas of Power.
America prides itself on being a nation of laws, where justice and order prevail. However, the reality is far from ideal. Lawlessness runs rampant in our country, as those in power determine what the law is and how it is enforced. The consequences of allowing this lawlessness to continue are dire for our society.
Those in positions of power, such as politicians and government officials, often have their own agendas and interests at heart when it comes to the law. They manipulate and interpret laws to suit their needs, disregarding the well-being of the people they are supposed to serve. This results in a system where the law is fluid and constantly changing, depending on who is in power.
Allowing lawlessness to persist in our nation has severe consequences. It erodes trust in our institutions and breeds corruption. It creates a sense of injustice among the people, as they witness those in power abusing their authority without consequences. This lack of accountability undermines the very fabric of our society and threatens the principles on which our nation was founded.
The future implications of this lawlessness are concerning. If those in power continue to manipulate and disregard the law, it sets a dangerous precedent for future generations. It normalizes corruption and undermines the rule of law. Without accountability, our society will spiral into chaos, with no hope for justice or order.
We must demand accountability from those in power and hold them responsible for their actions. We must fight against lawlessness and strive for a system that upholds justice and order. Only then can we ensure that our nation truly becomes a nation of laws, where the rights and well-being of the people are protected.
The Significance of Words and Understanding
Words have immense power and can greatly impact individuals and society as a whole. They can inspire, motivate, and incite change. However, they also have the power to deceive, manipulate, and control. It is essential to recognize the significance of words and strive to understand their true meanings.
The power of words and their impact
Words have the power to shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. They can influence our perception of reality and shape our understanding of the world. The words we use and encounter can have a profound impact on our emotions, behavior, and relationships. Therefore, it is crucial to choose our words carefully and consider their potential consequences.
The importance of understanding terminology
Understanding the terminology used in various contexts is essential for effective communication and decision-making. In the legal and financial realms, specific words and phrases hold different meanings and implications. Failing to grasp the true meanings of these terms can lead to misunderstandings, legal issues, and financial complications.
Exploration of word control and its effects
Words can be used as a tool of control and manipulation. Those in positions of power often use language to shape public opinion, control narratives, and further their own agendas. By carefully choosing their words, they can influence public perception and maintain their authority. It is crucial to be aware of this manipulation and question the true intentions behind the words we encounter.
The need to establish the true meanings of words
To navigate the complexities of language and communication, it is essential to establish the true meanings of words. This involves conducting research, seeking reliable sources, and critically analyzing information. By understanding the true meanings of words, we can avoid misunderstandings, make informed decisions, and resist manipulation.
The Law of the Land vs. the Law of Water
Differentiating between the law of the land and the law of water:
The law of the land is specific to each culture and country, while the law of water is universal.
The cultural specificity of the law of the land:
In different countries, the law varies depending on the cultural norms and values of that particular land.
What may be legal in one country might be illegal in another.
The universal nature of the law of water:
The law of water, also known as maritime admiralty law, is the law that governs all nations when it comes to banking, money, and commerce.
It doesn't matter what country you're from or where you live; the law of water applies to everyone.
The historical roots of maritime admiralty law:
Maritime Admiralty Law has its origins in ancient Phoenicia, where commerce and banking were prevalent.
The word "merchant" comes from the Phoenician word "mer," meaning "sea" or "water."
In ancient times, ships were considered female, and the captain represented the money on board the ship.
When a ship enters a harbor, it must present a certificate of manifest for all the items it carries, as they represent money and commerce.
Understanding the difference between the law of the land and the law of water is crucial for navigating the complexities of our legal and financial systems.
Understanding Courts and Judges
When it comes to courts and judges, it can be helpful to think of them as a game with referees. Just like in a basketball or tennis game, the goal is to put the ball back in the other team's court. In a court case, the two opposing sides present their arguments and evidence, and the judge acts as the referee, making sure the rules are followed and making decisions based on the law.
In the banking system, judges play a similar role as referees. They oversee cases related to banking, money, and commerce. Just as a referee ensures that the game is played fairly, judges ensure that the rules and regulations of the banking system are upheld.
There is a strong connection between judges, banks, and money. Judges are crucial in interpreting and enforcing the laws and regulations that govern banks. They preside over cases involving banking disputes, financial fraud, and other matters related to the financial system.
One significant symbol associated with judges is the black robe they wear. The black robe holds symbolic importance and represents the impartiality and authority of the judge. It signifies that the judge is neutral and unbiased, solely focused on upholding the law and ensuring justice is served.
Birth and Death as Maritime Admiralty Products
The connection between birth and maritime admiralty law:
Under international law, when a ship enters a harbor, it must present a certificate of manifest for all the items it carries, as they represent money and commerce.
Similarly, when a child is born, their birth is considered a maritime admiralty product, and they are issued a birth certificate.
The symbolism of birth certificates and delivery rooms:
When a ship docks at its berth, it is delivering its cargo, which represents money and commerce.
Similarly, when a mother gives birth in a delivery room, she is delivering a product, her child, who is considered a maritime admiralty product.
The significance of death certificates and the role of the dock:
If an item on a ship is damaged or lost, the captain must provide a certificate of manifest to account for the loss, as it represents a loss in money.
In the same way, when a person dies, their death is considered a loss, and a death certificate is issued to account for the loss.
The death certificate is often signed by the doctor, symbolizing the role of the dock in this maritime admiralty process.
Exploring the maritime admiralty influence on our lives:
Understanding the connection between birth certificates, delivery rooms, death certificates, and docks helps shed light on the maritime admiralty's influence on our lives.
These concepts illustrate how our legal and financial systems are deeply rooted in maritime admiralty law, which governs all nations when it comes to banking, money, and commerce.
By recognizing the symbolism and significance behind these documents and processes, we can gain a better understanding of the hidden agenda at play in our society.
The United States Corporation and Citizenship
The existence of the United States corporation:
Contrary to popular belief, the United States is not just a country but also a corporation. In 1868, a corporation was formed called the United States Corporation, and anyone who works for or is a member of this corporation is known as a citizen. This distinction between being a citizen and being in America lawfully is crucial to understand.
The distinction between being a citizen and being in America lawfully:
When someone asks if you are a citizen of the United States, they are not asking if you are legally present in America. They are asking if you are a member of the United States Corporation. Being a citizen of the United States means you are an employee of a foreign corporation operating under international maritime admiralty law.
Understanding the role of the president and corporations:
The president of the United States is not the president of America. The president is the president of a privately owned company called United States. This company is privately owned and operates under international maritime admiralty law. The president's role is similar to that of the president of any privately owned company.
The implications of privately owned companies in our government:
The fact that the United States is a privately owned company raises concerns about the influence and control of corporations in our government. Privately owned companies, such as United Steel, have their own agendas and interests. This raises questions about the extent to which private corporations influence our laws and policies.
The Divine Presence and the Power of Knowledge
Belief in a divine presence and its potential impact:
Many people believe in the existence of a divine presence, whether it be God, a higher power, or a universal force. This belief can provide comfort and hope, especially in times of uncertainty or struggle. The belief in a divine presence can also instill a sense of purpose and meaning in life, as it suggests that there is a greater plan or order in the universe.
The importance of understanding words and terms:
Words and terms play a crucial role in our communication and understanding of the world around us. It is essential to understand the true meanings and implications of words, especially in legal, financial, and governmental contexts. Failing to grasp the true meanings of words can lead to misunderstandings, legal issues, and financial complications. By understanding words and terms, we can navigate complex systems more effectively and make informed decisions.
The role of knowledge in exposing manipulation and enslavement:
Knowledge is a powerful tool that can expose manipulation and reveal hidden agendas. When we have a deep understanding of how systems, institutions, and societies operate, we become less susceptible to manipulation and control. Knowledge empowers us to question, challenge, and seek alternatives, ultimately freeing ourselves from enslavement to oppressive systems.
The hope for freedom and the need for awareness:
Understanding the hidden agendas and manipulations that exist in our society can be disheartening, but it also provides an opportunity for growth and change. By becoming aware of these issues, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable world. It is through knowledge, awareness, and collective action that we can strive for freedom and ensure that the rights and well-being of all individuals are protected.
Conclusion: It's Just Business
Now that we've explored the occult world of commerce and delved into the hidden agenda behind our legal and financial systems, it's important to recap the key concepts and revelations we've uncovered. From the illusion of law and order to the significance of words and understanding, we've gained valuable insights into the workings of our society.
One of the most important realizations is that it's all about business. Those in power manipulate and interpret laws to suit their own interests, disregarding the well-being of the people they are supposed to serve. This constant power struggle and deception mean that we must be prepared and educated to navigate these treacherous waters.
Being prepared and educated in the face of deception is crucial. We must take the time to understand the true meanings of words, especially in legal and financial contexts. This knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions and resist manipulation.
In conclusion, our society is deeply rooted in the occult world of commerce. The law of water, also known as maritime admiralty law, governs all nations when it comes to banking, money, and commerce. Understanding the distinction between the law of the land and the law of water is essential for navigating our legal and financial systems.
Now that we're armed with this knowledge, it's up to each individual to demand accountability from those in power. We must hold them responsible for their actions and fight against lawlessness and corruption. By staying informed, questioning the true intentions behind the words we encounter, and working together, we can strive for a more just and equitable society.