The Enola Gay: The Story of the First Atomic Bomb

Unleashing the atomic age: Explore the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb, and its profound impact on history. Witness the technology, the decision, and the enduring legacy.

The Enola Gay: The Story of the First Atomic Bomb


The Enola Gay, a B-29 bomber, played a crucial role in the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945. The uranium-235 gun-type bomb, named "Little Boy," was carried by the Enola Gay during this historic mission. Julius Robert Oppenheimer, often referred to as the father of the atomic bomb, played a significant role in the development of this bomb as a part of the Manhattan Project.

Born on April 22, 1904, Oppenheimer dedicated his life to scientific research and was instrumental in the success of the Manhattan Project. However, later in his life, Oppenheimer became a strong advocate against the production and development of nuclear weapons. Despite his earlier involvement, he fought to eliminate the very weapons he helped create. Sadly, Oppenheimer passed away in 1967 at the age of 62.

In this blog, we will delve into the background of the Enola Gay and its mission to drop the first atomic bomb. We will also explore the details of the uranium-235 gun-type bomb, Little Boy, and its devastating impact. Additionally, we will discuss Oppenheimer's role in the Manhattan Project and his later fight against nuclear weapons. Stay tuned for a preview of the topics we will cover in this blog.

Comparison of Little Boy and Fat Man

The Manhattan Project produced two different types of atomic nuclear weapons, codenamed Fat Man and Little Boy. The Fat Man atomic bomb was a large, heavy plutonium bomb that used shaped charges to implode. On the other hand, Little Boy was a less heavy uranium bomb triggered using a shotgun or guntech design.

In terms of size, Little Boy had a length of 10 feet (3 meters) and a diameter of 28 inches (71 centimeters). The Fat Man, on the other hand, had a length of 10 feet (3.3 meters) but a much larger diameter of 60 inches (1.5 meters). To put it into perspective, both nuclear weapons look small compared to a person and even a classic American SUV.

Despite their seemingly small size, both Little Boy and Fat Man packed an immense amount of destructive power. The Fat Man weighed around 10,800 pounds (4,898 kilograms), while Little Boy weighed just shy of 9,700 pounds (4,400 kilograms). These weapons could cause massive devastation and loss of life.

Let's break down the components of these nuclear weapons to better understand their design. Starting from the back, there are the box tail fins that stabilize the bomb when dropped from the B-29 Super Fortress bomber. Moving forward, there are three electric gun primers responsible for initiating propellant combustion. The projectile, made of tungsten carbide, contains hollow uranium-235 rings and weighs around 84 pounds (38.4 kilograms). The front of the projectile holds uranium target rings weighing around 56.2 pounds (25.6 kilograms). All of these components are encased in a 6.5-inch (170-millimetre) smooth-bore gun barrel.

The destructive power of these nuclear weapons is unleashed when the bomb is dropped and the four polonium initiators placed on the tungsten carbide are activated. This triggers a nuclear chain reaction, leading to the release of an enormous amount of energy and causing widespread destruction.

The Enola Gay, a B-29 Super Fortress, was the primary transport for these nuclear weapons. It had a length of 99 feet (30.1 meters) and a wingspan of around 141 feet 3 inches (43 meters). This heavily fortified plane could carry a 20,000-pound bomb and was equipped with multiple machine guns and remote-controlled turrets for defense.

In conclusion, the comparison of Little Boy and Fat Man reveals the incredible power packed into these seemingly small nuclear weapons. Their destructive capabilities were immense, causing devastation on a massive scale. The Enola Gay served as the crucial transport for these weapons, showcasing the advanced technology of the B-29 Super Fortress bomber.

Understanding the Parts of the Nuclear Weapon

To understand the design and functionality of the atomic bomb, it is important to familiarise ourselves with its different parts. Let's take a closer look at each component:

Back Section

The back section of the atomic bomb includes the box tail fins, which are responsible for stabilizing the bomb during its drop from the B-29 Super Fortress bomber. Additionally, there are three electric gun primers, which initiate propellant combustion.

Tungsten Carbide Disc and Uranium-235 Hollow Projectile Rings

Moving forward, we have the projectile, which is made of tungsten carbide. It contains hollow uranium-235 rings and weighs approximately 84 pounds (38.4 kilograms). These hollow rings play a crucial role in the nuclear reaction that takes place when the bomb is detonated.

Uranium target rings

At the front of the projectile, we find the uranium target rings. These rings weigh around 56.2 pounds (25.6 kilograms) and are essential for the nuclear chain reaction. They are designed to enter the hollow projectile rings, allowing for the release of a large amount of energy upon detonation.

Impact-Absorbing Anvil and Tungsten Carbide Plug

The impact-absorbing anvil is located at the front of the bomb, just above the tungsten carbide plug. These components help to ensure that the bomb remains stable during its descent and impact.

Each part of the atomic bomb plays a critical role in its functionality. From the stabilizing tail fins to the uranium target rings, every component contributes to the devastating power of the weapon. Understanding these parts allows us to comprehend the complex engineering behind the atomic bomb.

Exploring the Arming and Fusing Equipment

Arming and fusing equipment is a crucial component of the atomic bomb. Let's take a closer look at its key features and functions.

One important aspect of the arming and fusing equipment is the barometric sensing ports and the Archy fusing radar altimeter. These components help determine the altitude at which the bomb is located. This information is essential for activating the bomb at the desired height during its descent.

Another important element is the electric plug and arming wires. These play a crucial role in the arming process of the bomb. The arming wires are pulled one after the other, activating the bomb's internal systems and preparing it for detonation.

The B-29 Super Fortress serves as the primary transport for the nuclear weapon. With its large size and advanced technology, this plane was ideal for carrying such a powerful bomb. It could carry a 20,000-pound bomb and was heavily fortified with multiple machine guns and remote-controlled turrets for defense.

In conclusion, the arming and fusing of equipment is a vital component of the atomic bomb. Its barometric sensing ports, Archy fusing radar altimeter, electric plug, and arming wires all play crucial roles in ensuring the successful arming and detonation of the bomb. The B-29 Super Fortress served as the primary transport for this devastating nuclear weapon, showcasing its advanced capabilities as a bomber aircraft.

Step-by-Step Process of How the Nuclear Bomb Works

To understand how the nuclear bomb works, let's break down the step-by-step process:

Pulling the arming plugs and opening the Bombay doors

Before the bomb is dropped, all three arming plugs are pulled one after the other. Once this is done, the bomb bay doors open, allowing the bomb to fall due to gravity.

Timer activation and bomb falling due to gravity

Once the bomb is released, it switches to its internal 24-volt battery and starts the timer. After 15 seconds, the bomb is approximately 3,600 feet away from the aircraft.

Barometer Sensing the Desired Height and Activating Radar Altimeters

The barometer in the bomb senses the desired height, which is around 580 meters. This triggers the activation of multiple radar altimeters located at the front of the bomb. These altimeters measure the altitude above the ground, ensuring accurate detection of the final altitude.

Ignition of Gun Primers and Launching of the Uranium Projectile

The firing switch ignites the three Navy gun primers in the breech plug. This sets off the charge consisting of four silk powder bags, propelling the uranium projectile at a speed of 300 meters per second.

Initiation of Nuclear Fission and the Chain Reaction

Four polonium initiators placed on the tungsten carbide initiate the nuclear reactions. The uranium atoms undergo nuclear fission, releasing an enormous amount of energy in the process. This creates a chain reaction, resulting in a powerful explosion.

Explanation of the Different Blast Radius Zones

The blast radius of the nuclear bomb can be divided into several zones. The central blast zone, with a diameter of 0.36 square kilometers, experiences total destruction. The severe blast damage zone extends to around 4.5 square kilometers, causing severe damage to buildings and resulting in high casualties. The modern blast zone, covering about 8.7 square kilometers, still has significant damage to buildings and radiation exposure. Beyond the blast radius, in the light damage zone of 11 square kilometers, there are fires, radiation exposure, and psychological trauma for the affected survivors.

Understanding the step-by-step process and the different blast radius zones gives us insight into the devastating power and destructive capabilities of the nuclear bomb. It is a sobering reminder of the immense impact these weapons can have.


In conclusion, the Enola Gay played a significant role in history as it dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. This event marked a turning point in warfare and had a profound impact on the world. The uranium-235 gun-type bomb, known as "Little Boy," had immense destructive power, causing widespread devastation and loss of life.

The comparison of Little Boy and Fat Man, the two types of atomic nuclear weapons produced by the Manhattan Project, highlighted the advanced engineering and technology behind these weapons. Despite their small size, both bombs were capable of causing massive destruction.

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Thank you for your support and viewership. We hope that this blog has provided you with valuable insights into the Enola Gay, the destructive power of the atomic bomb, and the importance of engineering animations in understanding complex concepts. Stay tuned for more informative content in the future.