The real birth date of Yahushua, the devil, NWO and the 9/11 Twin Tower Attack
Discover the intriguing connections between the real birth date of Yahushua, the concept of the devil, the New World Order (NWO), and the 9/11 Twin Tower Attack. This comprehensive analysis explores the complex interplay of historical, religious, and geopolitical elements in these global events.

In ancient Jewish and Christian beliefs, there was a concept known as astral theology. This theological understanding involved looking at the heavens and interpreting the movements of celestial objects as signs of God's will or impending events. While this practice may sound similar to astrology, it is important to differentiate between them. Christians and Jews held negative views towards astrology due to its association with the belief that the movement of celestial objects controlled individual fate, a notion that conflicted with the idea of God's sovereignty.
In this blog post, we will explore the biblical-theological theme of reversing the effect of the transgression of Genesis 6 and its connection to the birth of Jesus. We will delve into the significance of astral theology in ancient Jewish and Christian beliefs, clarifying the distinction between astrology and astral theology. Finally, we will discuss the negative views of astrology among Christians and Jews.
Biblical Theological Theme: Reversing the Effect of the Transgression of Genesis 6
In Genesis 6, the transgression of humans led to the corruption of the world and the need for divine intervention. This theme of reversing the effects of transgression is a recurring theme in the Bible, culminating in the birth of Jesus. The birth of Jesus is seen as the ultimate act of reversing the consequences of human transgression, offering redemption and salvation to all who believe in him.
Astral Theology and its Significance in Ancient Jewish and Christian Beliefs
Astral theology played a significant role in the religious beliefs of ancient Jews and Christians. The movements of celestial objects were seen as signs of God's work and prophetic indicators of future events. This belief is evident in the Gospels, where there are references to signs in the heavens relating to the second coming of Jesus and other significant events. Acts also mention the occurrence of signs in the heavens about past events.
Astrology versus astral theology
Although astrology and astral theology share some conceptual similarities, they are distinct practices. Christians and Jews held negative views towards astrology due to its association with the belief in the control of individual fate by celestial objects. This belief contradicted the idea that only God determined one's destiny. In contrast, astral theology focused on interpreting celestial signs as indicators of divine will without attributing personal destiny to the movements of celestial objects. It is important to note this distinction and not conflate the two practices.
Negative Views of Astrology among Christians and Jews
Christians and Jews held negative views towards astrology, primarily due to its association with beliefs that undermined God's sovereignty. The notion that the movement of celestial objects controlled individual destiny was seen as a pagan concept that conflicted with the belief in God's ultimate authority. Consequently, astrology was rejected by Christians and Jews, who believed that only God had the power to determine an individual's fate.
Paul's Use of the Old Testament in Romans 10
In Romans 10, the focus is on the necessity of calling on the name of the Lord for salvation. Paul uses Old Testament prophecies to support the idea of widespread knowledge of Jesus' birth. He references Psalm 19 to connect the celestial imagery with the Old Testament passage in Romans 10.
The passage in Romans 10 begins with Paul highlighting the importance of calling on the name of the Lord for salvation. He explains that people need to hear about Jesus to believe in him. Paul then quotes an Old Testament passage to support his point that people have indeed heard about Jesus. He quotes from Psalm 19, which talks about how the message of the heavens has gone out to all the earth.
Paul's use of Psalm 19 in Romans 10 shows his belief that the celestial objects in the sky communicate the birth of a divine king. He interprets the motions of these celestial bodies as signs that everyone should have been able to understand. This aligns with the practice of astral theology, where the movements of celestial objects were seen as signs of divine will or impending events.
The connection between the Old Testament passage in Romans 10 and the celestial imagery in Psalm 19 is significant. It suggests that Paul believed in the widespread knowledge of Jesus' birth through the signs in the heavens. This would have been meaningful to both Jewish and Christian believers who were familiar with the practice of astral theology.
It is important to note that Paul's use of Old Testament prophecy in Romans 10 does not imply that he believed in astrology. Christians and Jews held negative views towards astrology due to its association with the belief in the control of individual fate by celestial objects. Paul's focus was on the signs in the heavens as indicators of divine will, not the determination of individual destiny.
There have been Christian writers who have attempted to map out the "Roman road" in the stars, finding connections between the celestial imagery and the story of salvation. However, this view is highly debated and not universally accepted. It's crucial to approach these interpretations with caution and be aware that mainstream biblical scholarship does not support them.
In conclusion, Paul's use of Old Testament prophecy in Romans 10 highlights the widespread knowledge of Jesus' birth through the signs in the heavens. He sees the movements of celestial objects as indicators of divine will and supports this idea with the Old Testament passage in Psalm 19. While there are differing interpretations of the celestial imagery in connection to the Roman road, Paul's focus remains on the necessity of calling on the name of the Lord for salvation.
Revelation 12 and the Astral Prophecy
In Revelation 12, there is rich celestial imagery that provides insight into the birth of Jesus and its connection to ancient Jewish and Christian beliefs. This passage describes a woman, a dragon, and a child, each with symbolic significance.
Overview of the Celestial Imagery
The woman in Revelation 12 represents the faithful community of Israel. She is depicted as being clothed with the sun, having the moon under her feet, and wearing a crown of twelve stars. This imagery is rooted in Jewish symbolism, with the twelve stars representing the twelve tribes of Israel.
The dragon, on the other hand, signifies chaos and evil. It has seven heads and ten horns, and its tail sweeps down a third of the stars from heaven. This portrayal aligns with ancient Near Eastern beliefs that associate dragons with destruction and chaos.
The Symbolism of the Woman as Israel
The woman in Revelation 12 symbolizes the faithful community of Israel. This interpretation is based on the Old Testament precedent, where the sun, moon, and stars represent Jacob, his wife, and the eleven tribes of Israel. The woman's connection to the birth of the Messiah strengthens her ties to Israel even more.
Additionally, the woman's flight into the wilderness aligns with the biblical motif of the exodus from Egypt and the anticipated end-time exodus. This imagery reflects Israel's journey from captivity to restoration and protection by God.
The Possible Constellations Associated with the Dragon
There are two main candidates for the constellation associated with the dragon in Revelation 12: Hydra and Scorpio. Hydra, which is adjacent to Virgo, matches the description of the seven heads of the dragon. On the other hand, Scorpio, which was originally a larger constellation that included Libra, aligns with the ancient association of the scorpion with evil and chaos.
The Connection to the Birth of the Messiah
When considering the celestial signs described in Revelation 12, it becomes clear that they signify the birth of a divine king. The woman symbolizes the faithful community of Israel, while the dragon represents chaos and evil. The celestial signs in the sky, such as the sun, moon, and stars, align with Jewish and Gentile expectations of a royal birth.
These signs would have been recognizable to the Magi, who were likely familiar with both Jewish and Gentile religious and astronomical traditions. The specific alignment of the constellations, such as Virgo and Leo, along with the presence of Jupiter and Regulus, would have indicated the birth of a divine king within the Jewish context.
In conclusion, Revelation 12 provides a vivid portrayal of the celestial signs associated with the birth of Jesus. The woman, dragon, and child each carry symbolic significance, representing the faithful community of Israel, chaos and evil, and the Messiah, respectively. Both Jews and Gentiles would have understood the connection between the celestial signs and the birth of the Messiah, indicating the significance of Jesus' arrival as a divine king.
Additional celestial signs
When examining the celestial signs surrounding the birth of Jesus, it is important to consider the significance of Leo, the lion constellation, as the symbol of the tribe of Judah. In ancient Jewish tradition, Judah was associated with royalty and leadership. The lion, as the king of the jungle, became a fitting symbol for this tribe.
Leo's association with Regulus, the constellation's brightest star, emphasizes its alignment with the Messianic birth even more. The name Regulus means "little king" in Latin, reinforcing the connection between Leo and royalty. This alignment would have indicated the birth of a divine king within the context of Jewish beliefs.
Another notable celestial phenomenon within the constellation Leo is the conjoining of Jupiter and Regulus. Jupiter, known as the king planet in astrotheological thinking, was considered the largest and most powerful planet. Its conjunction with Regulus, the king star, further emphasized the significance of this celestial event.
Combining these celestial signs, the appearance of a virgin in the constellation Virgo, the presence of Leo as the symbol of the tribe of Judah, and the alignment of Jupiter and Regulus within Leo created a unique set of circumstances. Both Jews and Gentiles would have recognized this confluence of heavenly signs as being indicative of the birth of a divine king.
It is important to note that these celestial signs should not be interpreted as astrology but as signs of divine will. Christians and Jews held negative views towards astrology due to its association with the belief that celestial objects controlled individual destiny. However, astral theology focused on interpreting celestial signs as indicators of divine will without attributing personal fate to celestial movements.
The compatibility of these celestial signs with Old Testament prophecies further emphasizes their significance. For example, the lion of Judah is mentioned in Genesis 49:9, where Jacob blesses Judah and prophesies that a ruler will come from his lineage. The alignment of Leo with the birth of Jesus signifies the fulfillment of this prophecy.
In conclusion, the additional celestial signs surrounding the birth of Jesus, including the significance of Leo, the alignment of Jupiter and Regulus, and their connection to Old Testament prophecies, further reinforce the belief in the divine nature of Jesus' birth. These signs would have been recognizable to Jews and Gentiles, pointing to the significance of Jesus' arrival as a divine king.
The Date of Jesus' Birth
In ancient Jewish and Christian beliefs, there was a concept known as astral theology. This theological understanding involved looking at the heavens and interpreting the movements of celestial objects as signs of God's will or impending events.
Based on astronomical evidence, the likely date of Jesus' birth is September 11th, 3 BC. This date is derived from the combination of celestial signs described in Revelation 12, as well as the alignment of the constellations and planets during that time.
The correlation between this date and the chronological testimony of Luke regarding the timing of John the Baptist's birth further supports the likelihood of September 11th, 3 BC, as Jesus' birthdate. Luke's account of the angel's visit to Zechariah, John's father, aligns with the timing of the priestly duties at the temple, providing additional evidence for the accuracy of this date.
One objection to this date is the accepted date of Herod's death, which is commonly believed to be 4 BC. However, there is evidence supporting a 1 BC date for Herod's death, which aligns with the September 11th, 3 BC date for Jesus' birth. The accepted date of Herod's death is not conclusive and should not discount the astronomical evidence supporting the September 11th, 3 BC date.
I always knew, or rather, I should say, after studying and reading about the Twin Towers and the world powers, including Time magazine's cover of a prominent person posing with his watch showing 9/11 before the Twin Towers were inaugurated. Lord, a long time ago, before this research blog, I mean years ago, revealed to me that the 9/11 made-up catastrophe was a millennial human sacrifice to their NWO god: Satan, the devil! A mockery of the divine birth of our Lord and God, Yeshua!
All the whistleblowing videos and data are now deleted from the internet. But you need to look at the evidence because knocking, the door will be opened, and you will be answered. Get away from the mainstream media, the papacy, and the false teachers, and be in secret, in the dark. Open your heart to the divine power that created you. You shall be answered.
There was no Bin Laden; there was no plane crash at the Pentagon; the mysterious collapse of Tower 7; the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers; and the whistleblowing of explosives inside the tower a year before the crash. The Pittsburg plane... How there was no one to guard America that day? There were hundreds of pieces of evidence, all of which were deleted. This world is crap. Today's sheeple, reels, and TikTok generation wouldn't care, and that's what they need for a new world order.
Be safe. Information is power. The truth shall set you free.
Tower 1, Tower 2, and Building 7, 127, 12/7 Pearl Harbor Day. These ceremonies are all connected. In 1968 construction began for the Towers, In 2001 they were demoed killing thousands, Blood Ritual Sacrifice. From 1968 to 2001 = 33 years. Teach Gematria that numbers don't lie.
One more thing - The Twin Tower resembles the number 11. The towers were made for this sacrifice right after the millennia.
It is important to note that the astronomical signs described in Revelation 12 and the alignment of celestial objects do not constitute astrology. Christians and Jews held negative views towards astrology, as it contradicted the belief in God's ultimate authority and the control of individual destiny by celestial objects. Astral theology, on the other hand, focused on interpreting celestial signs as indicators of divine will.
In conclusion, based on astronomical evidence and the correlation with Luke's account of John the Baptist's birth, the likely date of Jesus' birth is September 11th, 3 BC. The alignment of celestial objects and the significance of the constellations further support this date. While objections regarding the accepted date of Herod's death exist, the evidence supporting a 1 BC date for Herod's death should be considered.
In conclusion, the relationship between astral prophecy and the birth of Jesus is significant. The astral theology in ancient Jewish and Christian beliefs played a crucial role in interpreting the celestial signs as indications of divine will and future events. The distinction between astrology and astral theology is crucial, as Christians and Jews held negative views towards astrology due to its association with the belief in the control of individual fate by celestial objects.
Understanding the celestial signs and their connection to biblical prophecy is essential to recognizing the significance of Jesus' birth. The celestial signs described in Revelation 12 provide insight into the birth of Jesus and its connection to ancient Jewish and Christian beliefs. The woman, dragon, and child each carry symbolic significance, representing the faithful community of Israel, chaos and evil, and the Messiah, respectively.
Exploring further evidence and research in books like 'Reversing Hermon' by the author can deepen our understanding of the astral prophecy and its implications. 'Reversing Hermon' offers additional insights into the correlation between celestial signs and biblical prophecy, expanding on the topics discussed in this blog.
By delving into the relationship between astral prophecy and the birth of Jesus, we gain a deeper appreciation for the theological themes present in the Bible. The celestial signs serve as reminders of God's sovereignty and his plan for redemption and salvation through Jesus.
To fully grasp the significance of astral prophecy and its connection to biblical prophecy, it is essential to continue exploring these topics and engaging with scholarly research. 'Reversing Hermon' by the author provides a comprehensive examination of the celestial signs and their implications in biblical prophecy.
By the way, the Titanic never sank, it was Olympic, her sister ship, and the main idea was to kill. Mr. Astor who opposed the federal reserve system, and for the Insurance money!