The Untold Story of Dawood Ibrahim: India's Most Wanted Gangster

"Discover the untold story of Dawood Ibrahim, India's most notorious gangster. Delve into his criminal empire, underworld connections, and the ongoing quest to bring one of the world's most wanted men to justice."

The Untold Story of Dawood Ibrahim: India's Most Wanted Gangster


If you like crime thrillers or spy films, you will be captivated by Dawood Ibrahim's life. It is just as exciting as the stories you see in Hollywood films. Dawood, the son of a police constable, started off as a troublemaker in Dongri. But over time, he became involved in smuggling and killing and eventually became the mastermind of a crime syndicate that operated across different continents. He has many different names and fake passports. Both India and Interpol are actively looking for him. This guy is one of the largest drug smugglers ever from India.

This isn't a summary of a James Bond or Jason Bourne movie. It's the true story of Dawood Ibrahim. It's important to know his story because it gives us a general idea of his life of crime and lets us compare it to exciting films about criminals and spies. If we try to understand his life, we can learn about the world of organized crime and how criminal groups operate around the world.

Early Life and Rise to Power

Dawood Ibrahim was born on December 26, 1955, in Ked, Maharashtra, India. He was born into a family that follows the Konkani Muslim tradition. His dad, Ibrahim Kaskar, worked as a police officer in Mumbai, and his mom, Amini B, was a homemaker. Dawood went to Ahmed Saylor High School, but he had to leave because his father couldn't pay the fees.

Instead, Dawood got involved in hooliganism and started his own gang called the Dongri Gang. This group of people was involved in minor illegal activities like smuggling and violence, which made them known in the local community. But things changed drastically for Dawood when he crossed paths with Hajimastan's gang, who were the most powerful group in the criminal world back then.

Dawood got really mad when two of his guys were hurt by Hajimastan's gang. He wanted to get back at them, and there was no changing his mind. In the 1970s, Dawood and his brother Shabir Ibrahim Kaskar started a company called D Company, also known as Dawood Company. This group of criminals did a lot of bad things, like terrorism, murder, making people pay them money, killing specific people, and selling drugs.

Dawood committed a big crime when he robbed the Metropolitan Bank on December 4, 1974. Hajimastan hired some bad people to hurt two of Dawood's family members. This made Dawood want to do a robbery. Dawood thought that Hajimastan was responsible for the attack and wanted to take his money.

But then Dawood found out that the money didn't really belong to Hajimastan; it belonged to the Metropolitan Bank. But, even so, the robbery in Mumbai became one of the largest in ten years. It showed that Dawood was very determined and not afraid to challenge powerful people in the criminal world.

Dawood became more influential and powerful as time went on. He fought violent gang wars, commanded killings, and made D Company the top gang in Bombay. In 1988, he became the clear leader of the Bombay mafia.

Today, many people consider Dawood Ibrahim to be one of the richest and most dangerous criminals in the world. He has a lot of money—almost seven billion dollars. He keeps running his criminal group from a place in Balochistan, Pakistan, managing to avoid being sent back to other countries and facing punishment for his actions.

The Biggest Robbery and Revenge

In the 1970s, Dawood Ibrahim did something really big and stole a lot of stuff. People still talk about it as the biggest robbery of that time. The robbery happened on December 4, 1974, at the Metropolitan Bank in Mumbai. Dawood wanted to avenge his cousins who had suffered injuries at the hands of some Hajimastan gang-hired thugs, so he committed this daring robbery.

Dawood thought that Hajimastan was responsible for the attack, so he decided to take money that he thought was rightfully his. Dawood and his gang, consisting of eight boys carrying guns and metal rods, put their plan into action. They wanted to stop a taxi that was transporting money from Masjid Bundur to Hajimastan's house in Malabar Hill.

However, it was discovered that the money actually belonged to the Metropolitan Bank, not Hajimastan. However, the robbery ended up being one of the largest in Mumbai in the past ten years. It showed that Dawood was very determined and not afraid to challenge influential people in the criminal world.

Strong feelings of anger and a desire for retribution drove Dawood's actions. He saw Hajimastan's gang torturing and beating his cousins without cause, which made him want to exact revenge. He thought the robbery was a way to show off and take away Hajimastan's money which he worked hard for.

Dawood had a tough break when his dad, Ibrahim Kaskar, who was a police constable, got the job of catching the gang that did the robbery. Ibrahim was very surprised when he found out that his own son was the one who planned the crime. He brought Dawood back to his house, hit him with a belt, and then took him to the police station to admit what he did wrong.

Even though Dawood and his gang were accused of crimes, the court decided that most of the members were not guilty. Only Sher Singh and Saeed Sultan were found guilty. But the police asked the high court and the supreme court for help, which resulted in a decision that Dawood could not be released on bail and must be arrested.

Dawood's revenge mission didn't go exactly as he had hoped, but it showed how determined and daring he was. This was a significant moment in Dawood's life of crime. He kept gaining more power and made D Company the top gang in Bombay.

Dawood's actions and how he became powerful had a big effect on how people saw him. He was famous for being one of the richest and most dangerous gangsters in the world. He had almost seven billion dollars.

Today, Dawood Ibrahim is still hiding and running his criminal group from a secret location in Balochistan, Pakistan. His story still grabs the attention of Bollywood and motivates films that show his life and the infamous D Company.

The Coming of Age

In the 1980s, Dawood Ibrahim experienced a series of pivotal moments that solidified his position as the undisputed leader of the Bombay mafia. These events showcased his audacity, determination, and willingness to go to any length to establish his dominance.

Assassination of Dawood's Brother and Gang Battles

One of the defining moments in Dawood's rise to power was the assassination of his brother, Shabir Ibrahim Kaskar, by the Pathans. This incident ignited one of the bloodiest gang battles ever seen, as Dawood sought revenge and dethroned the Pathans.

Ordering the Assassination of a Rival Gang Leader's Nephew

To further solidify his power, Dawood ordered the assassination of Samad Khan, the nephew of rival gang leader Kareem Lala. This bold move demonstrated Dawood's fearlessness and his willingness to eliminate anyone who posed a threat to his empire.

Dawood Becoming the Undisputed Leader of the Bombay Mafia

By 1988, Dawood Ibrahim had risen above all rivals and established D Company as the main gang in Bombay. His strategic manoeuvres, brutal gang battles, and ruthless tactics had earned him the title of the undisputed leader of the Bombay mafia.

Prosecution and Trial in the Metropolitan Robbery Case

As Dawood's power grew, he faced prosecution and trial in the Metropolitan robbery case. While many gang members were acquitted, Dawood, along with Sher Singh and Saeed Sultan, faced charges. The trial showcased the extent of Dawood's criminal activities and law enforcement's determination to bring him down.

Despite the legal challenges, Dawood Ibrahim's criminal empire continued to thrive. He amassed enormous wealth and built a global network that spanned multiple continents. His ability to evade extradition, sanctions, and capture has made him one of the world's most wanted gangsters.

Today, Dawood remains in hiding, operating his criminal organisation from somewhere in Balochistan, Pakistan. His story continues to captivate Bollywood and inspire films that depict his life and the notorious D Company.

Entry into Terrorism

Dawood Ibrahim got involved in terrorism after the Babri Masjid was destroyed, and there were fights between different religious groups in December 1992. Ibrahim was deeply affected by these events, and it changed how he saw the way Muslims are treated in India.

At that time, Pakistan's intelligence agency, called the ISI, began to push Ibrahim to get involved in terrorist activities. Ibrahim was offered the opportunity to use Pakistan's water routes for his smuggling activities in return for helping to transport weapons and explosives into India.

On March 12, 1993, there were bomb attacks in Mumbai. These attacks were very terrible and were done by Ibrahim's D Company, a group involved in terrorism. These attacks happened at the same time and caused the deaths of 257 people. More than 700 people were also hurt. This had a long-lasting effect on the city and the people who live there.

These bomb attacks affected more than just India. The United States Treasury has called Dawood Ibrahim a terrorist. They have put restrictions on him and stopped banks from doing business with him. The Treasury Department also mentioned that he has connections with the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. They said he shares smuggling routes with them.

People from different countries reported that Ibrahim's D Company was involved in sending a lot of drugs to the United Kingdom and Western Europe. These activities made him even more well-known as one of the richest and most dangerous gangsters in the world.

Wealth and Global Reach

Dawood Ibrahim is extremely wealthy and has a global influence that sets him apart from others. He's really rich, worth almost seven billion dollars. He's one of the richest gangsters in the world. He has a lot of money because he does a lot of bad things, like selling drugs, forcing people to pay him money, and doing acts of violence to create fear.

Dawood Ibrahim has businesses in many different parts of the world. He has a criminal group called D Company. They do bad things in 15 countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He has built a strong position in the criminal world, with power over important areas in Mumbai, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

Dawood Ibrahim, besides his criminal empire, also has many properties around the world that he owns under different names. People buy these properties using different names to hide who really owns them. He can continue to engage in illegal activity while remaining connected to the outside world without facing prosecution or repercussions from other nations.

Although both Interpol and the Indian government want to find Dawood Ibrahim, we don't currently know where he is. People think he is hiding in Balochistan, Pakistan. He is still running his criminal group from a secret place there.

Dawood Ibrahim lives a very lavish life, which shows how incredibly rich and influential he is. He used to live in a fancy house in Karachi, Pakistan. The house had lots of fancy things like crystal showpieces, a waterfall, a swimming pool with controlled temperature, a tennis court, a billiard court, and a running track. He got his fancy clothes from a famous place in London called Savile Row.

Dawood Ibrahim is a well-known person who has done bad things and has been accused of many crimes. Surprisingly, he has been able to avoid being caught or sent back to his home country for a very long time. He is really good at staying hidden and running his illegal business. This shows how smart he is at planning and how much his followers trust and support him.

The story of Dawood Ibrahim and D Company has captivated Bollywood. Many films have been made about his life and the crimes he committed. These films, like "Shootout at Lokhandwala" and "Once Upon a Time in Mumbai," show us what it's like in the world of organised crime and the famous D Company.

Involvement in International Crime

One of the most notorious criminal organisations in the world is D Company, which Dawood Ibrahim leads.

Involvement of D Company in international crime

D Company's criminal activities extend beyond the borders of India. The organisation has established a global network, operating in 15 nations across Europe, Asia, and Africa. This expansive reach allows D Company to engage in a wide range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, and terrorism.

Reports of providing weapons to terrorists in Mumbai attacks

The Mumbai attacks on March 12, 1993, were one of the most horrific acts of terrorism that D Company had ever planned. Reports suggest that D Company provided weapons and support to the terrorists who carried out these coordinated bombings.

Drug shipments in the UK and Western Europe

D Company has also been implicated in large-scale drug shipments in the United Kingdom and Western Europe. These operations have further contributed to Dawood Ibrahim's immense wealth and solidified D Company's status as one of the world's wealthiest criminal organisations.

Connections with the terrorist organisation al-Qaeda

The United States Treasury has labelled Dawood Ibrahim as a terrorist, imposing sanctions and prohibiting financial institutions from interacting with him. The Treasury Department has also highlighted D Company's connections with the terrorist organisation al-Qaeda, including sharing smuggling routes.

These international connections and involvement in various criminal activities have cemented Dawood Ibrahim's reputation as one of the world's most dangerous gangsters. Despite being on India's and Interpol's most wanted lists, he remains in hiding, operating his criminal empire from somewhere in Balochistan, Pakistan.

Life in Hiding and Evading Capture

People often talk about Dawood Ibrahim's disappearance and how his criminal organisation continues to thrive. It has become a famous and fascinating story. Even though Interpol and the Indian police have wanted him for many years, he has managed to evade capture.

Many legal and political challenges have stopped them from catching him. Dubai, where he lived a luxurious life, played a big part in keeping him safe. But because of pressure from other countries and Dubai wanting to keep good relationships with the United States and India, he had to leave the Gulf.

In 2003, both India and the United States labeled Dawood Ibrahim as a global terrorist. They put a $25 million reward on his head, which means a lot of people are looking for him because he did something really bad. His reputation grew even more because of this title and reward, making it even more important to capture him and make him face the consequences of his actions.

Even though Dawood Ibrahim is running away and hiding, he is still running his criminal group from a place in Balochistan, Pakistan. He is really good at avoiding being sent back to another country and figuring out the complicated system of international law enforcement. This shows how smart he is at planning and how much his followers trust and support him.

Legacy and Impact

Bollywood's Fascination with Dawood and D Company:

Dawood Ibrahim's life and criminal empire have fascinated Bollywood for years. His story has inspired several films, including "Shootout at Lokhandwala," "Shootout at Wadala," "Once Upon a Time in Mumbai," and "D-Day." These movies depict his rise to power, the notorious activities of D Company, and the larger world of organized crime.

Continued influence and control over Mumbai's underworld:

Despite being in hiding, Dawood Ibrahim still maintains a significant influence over Mumbai's underworld. D Company, under his leadership, controls various criminal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, and targeted killings. His ability to evade capture and continue operating his criminal organisation showcases his strategic skills and the loyalty he inspires among his followers.

Expansion beyond India's borders:

D Company's reach extends far beyond India's borders. With operations in 15 nations across Europe, Asia, and Africa, Dawood Ibrahim has built a global criminal network. His involvement in large-scale drug shipments in the United Kingdom and Western Europe further solidifies his status as one of the world's wealthiest and most dangerous gangsters.

Implications of Dawood's criminal empire:

The implications of Dawood Ibrahim's criminal empire are far-reaching. His involvement in terrorism, such as the 1993 bomb attacks in Mumbai, has had a lasting impact on the city and its residents. The United States Treasury has labelled him a terrorist and imposed sanctions, highlighting his connections with the terrorist organisation al-Qaeda.

Dawood Ibrahim has left a lasting mark on the world. His influence is evident in his strong interest in Bollywood, which is closely connected to his illegal money. He also had a lot of power over the criminal activities in Mumbai and expanded his criminal empire beyond India through D Company. Additionally, his involvement in terrorism has had serious consequences. He is really good at avoiding getting caught and keeping his criminal business going. This shows that he is very famous for being one of the most wanted gangsters in the world.