Understanding Hell: A Journey into the Depths of Damnation
Descend beyond fire and brimstone. Unravel the multifaceted concept of Hell across history, religion, and philosophy. Explore its evolution, diverse interpretations, and enduring grip on the human imagination. This journey confronts mortality, morality, and the very essence of being.

Introducing Bill and his impactful story
I am really excited to bring my friend Bill Wies. Bill, hello. It's great to be with you. Thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure to have you again. I had the opportunity to host you at the Hunger Generation, where you came with your wonderful wife and shared your journey and your story. I've heard of your story from the book, read the book, and from other friends as well. And I was really moved by your not only conviction in God's word but also your devotion to Jesus and your devotion to being a minister that will last in the journey of walking with the Lord, your eating habits, and just your very militant, spiritually militant, disciplined behaviour.
And that really impacted me as a young minister and impressed me as well—to study the word, to memorise scriptures, and to really take care of my body, my mind, and my soul—to last in the ministry. So I just want to say thank you for that. Oh, thank you so much. You're welcome.
Expressing gratitude for Bill's teachings and impact
Now, Bill, could you start from the beginning? How did you come to know the Lord? Did you grow up in a. Your personal. What was your encounter with Jesus at first, and when did you accept the Lord as your personal lord and saviour? Actually, a friend led me to the Lord, but it was soon after I experienced a shark attack. And I could tell you about that later, but God delivered me, saved me from death from the shark, grabbed my leg, and pulled me down under the water. And so I knew it was God. I didn't know him then. I was raised as a Catholic, but I didn't know Jesus personally. And so I was 17 years old then.
And then a friend of mine told me about Jesus Christ, saying that I needed to repent, ask forgiveness for my sins, and invite Jesus into my heart. So I did that in April of 1970. So I've been a Christian for 53 years now. It's been the best 53 years of my life, that's for sure. But that's where I first got saved. And this experience that I had about hell happened 28 years later. Okay, so 20 years of you walking with the Lord 28 years later. Right. And I was serving in our church. I taught here and there at the church, not on hell but on different topics, and I led worship and so forth.
So I was very involved in the church, but I also just always studied the word. I love the word of God. And after this experience, I really delved into the topic of hell to find out if everything I saw was scriptural, because that's what's important.
In your life before this experience, what were you involved in professionally? And did you ever have visions before? No. First of all, I was a real estate broker. I've been a real estate broker for 50 years with my own company. And my wife also worked in real estate as a builder. So we were both in professional careers at this time. I was not a minister. But when this happened, it caused us to leave our careers and then travel full-time in the ministry. So we've been doing that now full-time for 17 years and part-time for seven years before that.
So can you describe that initial experience? Take us through that day and that night when you had that experience, when the Lord gave you that vision. Right. Well, we went to a prayer meeting that we attended every Sunday night. There was nothing unusual about the night. I came home from this prayer meeting and went to bed like any other normal night.
I'd gotten up at 3:00 in the morning just to get a glass of water, and suddenly I was pulled out of my body. As I was walking through the living room, something grabbed me and pulled me out of my body. I saw my body fall to the floor, and I started tumbling down this long tunnel. And it was getting hotter and hotter. And then I landed on an actual stone floor in a prison cell in hell. Rough-hewn stone walls, bars, filthy, stinking, dirty prison. But like a dungeon, But Isaiah 24:22 mentions that. Proverbs 727, Job 1716, Jonah 2:6, and many other verses talk about the prison cells in hell. And that's where I first found myself. Now, Vlad, I was fully awake and cognizant.
I was just like, I'm here now. And I wondered, How did I get here? Why am I here? And it wasn't explained until the way back. But the first thing I noticed was the intense heat. It was like a blast furnace. And I wondered, How could I be alive in this unbearable heat? And so my reaction was that I wanted to get up and run out of this prison cell that I was in. But I noticed I had no physical strength whatsoever. It took so much effort to move. And I thought, What's wrong with my body? But Isaiah 14, nine, and 10 say, Hell from beneath is moved to meet you at your coming.
They will say, Art thou become weak as we? And Psalms 88:4 says, I am counted with them that go down into the pit. I am a man who has no strength. Therefore, if you ever felt weak due to the flu, it is a thousand times worse. Any movement takes tremendous effort. But Acts 1728 say that in him, we live, move, and have our being. Movement comes from God. It's not automatic. Wow. Well, I looked up. I saw these two demons in the cell. Reptilius in appearance has bumps and scales all over one's body. A huge jaw, sunken in the eyes. The claws were about a foot long. And these particular two were about twelve or 13 feet tall. That's not an exaggeration. There's scripture for that even.
But I'll keep moving. And they were pacing in the cell like a vicious, caged animal. They had the most ferocious demeanour about them, and they were blaspheming and cursing God. We know blasphemy comes from the demonic realm. 13 six, James two seven, and some others. But then they directed this hatred they had for God towards me. I wonder why. What have I done to them? But the one demon picked me up and threw me into the wall. This prison cell. Tremendous strength demons have. You have none. I collapsed. I felt as if every bone in my body had broken. But now maybe a spirit doesn't have bones, but it sure felt that way. And I have to explain one thing, though.
The Lord explained that he blocked most of the pain. He didn't allow me to feel all of it, just a small amount, so I could relate to people. It's not metaphorical; it's not a state of the mind. It's real, literal pain you're going to feel in hell anyway. This other demon in the cell picked me up, dug its claws into my chest, and tore the flesh open again. I thought, How could I be alive through this? I should be dead. But I noticed I had a body. Matthew 1028 says, Fear him, who was able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Luke 16. The rich man wanted a drop of water to cool his tongue. He had a mouth to speak, a tongue, and eyes to lift. So you have a body, but it withstands these torments.
But something else I noticed was that no blood or water was coming from the wombs. It was just all dry. But Leviticus 1711 says the life of the flesh is in the blood. Well, there's no life in hell, so there's no blood. Wow. And then Zechariah 911 says, Take your prisoners out of the pit where there is no water. There's not one drop of water in hell. And these demons have no mercy on you whatsoever. They have an extreme hatred for you. But Psalms 100 and 317 say the mercy of the Lord is upon those who fear him. Well, they don't fear him in hell. So you don't derive the benefit of mercy.
Bill's Encounter with Jesus and Hell
Bill's journey to accepting Jesus as his saviour
Bill's encounter with a shark and his realisation of God's presence
The importance of repentance and accepting Jesus into one's heart
The impact of his experience on his faith and devotion
Bill's encounter with Jesus and Hell
Bill's journey to accepting Jesus as his savior started after a traumatic event where he was attacked by a shark. In that moment, he felt God's presence and knew that it was God who saved him from death. This experience led him to seek a personal relationship with Jesus and accept him as his Lord and Saviour. He repented for his sins and invited Jesus into his heart, marking the beginning of his journey as a Christian. This momentous decision happened when he was 17 years old, and he has been devoted to his faith ever since. Bill describes the past 53 years of his life as the best years of his life, filled with the love and guidance of Jesus.
Bill's encounter with Jesus and Hell occurred 28 years after accepting Jesus as his saviour. He was serving in his church and had a deep love for the word of God. After this experience, he delved into the topic of hell to ensure that what he had seen aligned with scripture. He discovered that Hell is a real place, as described in various passages of the Bible. This realisation compelled Bill to share his experience with others, as many people do not believe in Hell or its severity. His goal is to point people to the scriptures and emphasise the urgency of repentance and accepting Jesus into their hearts.
Bill's encounter with Jesus and Hell had a profound impact on his faith and devotion. He experienced the hopelessness and torment of Hell firsthand, which deepened his understanding of the consequences of rejecting Jesus. It strengthened his resolve to spread the message of salvation and warn others about the reality of hell. Bill feels a sense of urgency to share his experience, as many pastors avoid discussing Hell due to the difficulty of reconciling a loving God with eternal punishment. He believes that understanding the severity of hell leads to a greater appreciation for salvation and a desire to live a life that pleases God.
Bill's Vision of Hell: A Detailed Account
In Bill's vivid description of his journey to hell, he shares the horrifying details of the prison cell he found himself in. The cell had rough, hewn stone walls, bars, and a filthy, stinking, and dirty environment reminiscent of a dungeon. Bill explains that scripture references, such as Isaiah 24:22 and Proverbs 7:27, mention the existence of prison cells in hell.
Upon entering the prison cell, Bill immediately felt the intense heat, describing it as a blast furnace. He wondered how he could survive in such unbearable heat. He also noticed that he had no physical strength, making it incredibly difficult to move. Scripture references like Isaiah 14:9–10 and Psalms 88:4 affirm that in hell, one becomes weak and lacks strength.
Inside the cell, Bill encountered two terrifying demons. These demons had reptilian appearances, with bumps and scales covering their bodies, and had a ferocious demeanour. They were blaspheming and cursing God, directing their hatred towards Bill. One of the demons even threw him into the prison cell's wall, displaying their tremendous strength.
As Bill observed his surroundings, he noticed the darkness and the oppressive atmosphere in hell. The darkness was so thick and evil that it could be felt, causing a sense of hopelessness. Scripture references like Lamentations 3:6 and Zechariah 9:11 talk about the darkness and lack of hope present in hell.
Bill's vision of hell also included a large pit of fire. He described the flames raging high into an open cavern, creating intense heat. Through the flames, Bill could see the outlines of people who appeared like skeletons. These souls were screaming and in torment, with no peace or rest. Bill emphasised that the torment and flames in hell were not metaphorical or symbolic, but real and literal.
Bill debunked the myth that hell is ruled by the devil. He explained that hell is God's punishment for the devil and his angels. It is not a place of enjoyment or pleasure, but a place of eternal punishment. Bill reminded readers that hell is designed for those who reject Jesus and embrace sin. He emphasised that God is loving and gave everyone a choice, but ultimately, it is our decision that determines our destination.
Bill also addressed the heresies of annihilationism and universalism. He cited numerous scripture references, such as Luke 16 and Revelation 14:10–11, to refute these false teachings. Bill stressed that hell is eternal, just like heaven, and that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Through his detailed account of hell, Bill hoped to warn people of its reality and urgency. He emphasised the importance of repentance, accepting Jesus as one's saviour, and avoiding the eternal torment of hell. Bill's vision serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of rejecting God's love and salvation.
Bill's Life Before and After the Vision
Bill's professional background before entering full-time ministry
Before his encounter with Jesus and his vision of hell, Bill Wies was a successful real estate broker with his own company for 50 years. His wife also worked in real estate. They both had established professional careers and were not involved in full-time ministry.
The impact of his vision on his career and life choices
However, after his profound experience in hell, Bill and his wife made a life-altering decision to leave their successful careers and dedicate themselves to full-time ministry. The vision had a profound impact on Bill's life choices and priorities, leading him to prioritise spreading the message of salvation and warning others about the reality of hell.
His dedication to studying the Word of God and delving into the topic of hell
Following his experience, Bill delved deeply into the topic of hell, studying the scriptures to ensure that everything he had seen aligned with God's Word. Bill's dedication to studying the Word of God and his love for the scriptures allowed him to gain a comprehensive understanding of the severity and reality of hell.
The decision to share his experience and the spread of his message
Bill made the decision to share his experience and the message of salvation with others. Despite initial reluctance, his testimony quickly spread after he shared it at a Bible study. He and his wife began receiving invitations to share their story across the country, leading them to dedicate their lives to full-time ministry for the past 17 years.
The Reality of Hell: Debunking Misconceptions
Many misconceptions surround the topic of hell, and it is important to address them to have a clear understanding of its reality. Let's debunk some of these misconceptions:
Addressing the belief in purgatory and the finality of hell
Some people may argue that there is a place called purgatory, where souls go to be purified before entering heaven. However, this belief is not supported by Scripture. The idea of purgatory is a man-made concept not found in the Bible. In contrast, the Bible makes it clear that there are only two final destinations for souls: heaven or hell. There is no in-between state or opportunity for purification after death.
Explaining the heresies of annihilationism and universalism
Annihilationism is the belief that those who reject Jesus will cease to exist and be annihilated. Universalism, on the other hand, teaches that everyone will ultimately be saved and make it to heaven. Both of these beliefs contradict the clear teachings of Scripture. Jesus himself spoke about the eternal nature of hell, describing it as a place of everlasting punishment. The Bible consistently emphasises the importance of repentance and faith in Jesus for salvation, making it clear that not everyone will be saved.
Highlighting the scriptural evidence for the eternal nature of hell
The Bible provides ample evidence for the eternal nature of hell. Jesus spoke extensively about hell and its eternal torment, using phrases such as "everlasting fire" and "eternal punishment." Revelation also describes the lake of fire, where the devil, his angels, and all who reject God will be thrown and tormented forever. The word "eternal" is used to describe both heaven and hell, highlighting the eternal consequences of one's choices.
Emphasising the importance of repentance and faith in Jesus
Understanding the reality of hell should lead us to recognise the urgency of repentance and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. The Bible makes it clear that salvation comes through faith in Jesus alone. Acts 4:12 states, "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." Recognising the severity of hell should motivate us to share the gospel and warn others of the consequences of rejecting Jesus. It is a message of love, offering a way to escape eternal punishment through faith in Christ.
God's Love and the Purpose of Hell
God's love is infinite, and His desire is for all to be saved. He offers salvation to every person, but he also respects our free will. The concept of free will allows us to make choices, including the choice to reject God. However, this rejection comes with consequences.
In His love, God has provided a way for us to escape the consequences of sin and eternal separation from Him. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. Through Jesus' sacrifice, God offers us a new nature and the opportunity for redemption.
Repentance and receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour are key components of accepting God's love and avoiding the purpose of hell. Repentance involves recognising our need for forgiveness and turning away from a life of sin. By receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we acknowledge His authority over our lives and commit to following Him.
God's love and the reality of hell are not contradictory. Hell serves as a consequence of rejecting God's love and choosing to live a life separated from Him. It is a place of eternal punishment, as described in various passages of the Bible.
Explaining God's love and His desire for all to be saved
God's love is boundless and extends to every person.
He desires for all to experience His love and salvation.
God offers salvation as a gift, available to anyone who believes in Him.
His love is demonstrated through His provision of Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins.
The concept of free will and the consequences of rejecting God
Free will allows us to make choices, including the choice to accept or reject God's love.
Rejecting God's love comes with consequences, including the possibility of eternal separation from Him.
God respects our free will and does not force anyone to accept Him.
However, rejecting God's love ultimately leads to spiritual death and separation from Him.
God's provision of a new nature through Jesus' sacrifice
God sent Jesus to die on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins.
Through Jesus' sacrifice, God offers us the opportunity for redemption and a new nature.
By accepting Jesus as our Saviour, we can experience a transformation in our lives and receive the gift of eternal life.
God's love and forgiveness are available to anyone who repents and turns to Him.
The importance of repentance and receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour
Repentance involves recognising the need for forgiveness and turning away from a life of sin.
Receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour means acknowledging His authority and committing to follow Him.
Repentance and receiving Jesus are essential for experiencing God's love and avoiding the consequences of hell.
Repentance and faith in Jesus are the keys to salvation and eternal life.
Reflecting on the importance of understanding and sharing the reality of hell, Bill's testimony serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of rejecting Jesus. It is crucial for believers to have a clear understanding of hell and its severity, as it motivates us to live a life that pleases God and share the gospel with others.
As readers, we are encouraged to make a decision for Christ and share the message of salvation with those around us. Bill's encounter with Jesus and Hell emphasises the urgency of repentance and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. We must recognise the availability of resources and support from Bill's ministry to further our spiritual journeys.
We express gratitude for the opportunity to learn from Bill's testimony and the valuable insights it provides. Understanding the reality of Hell allows us to appreciate God's love and His desire for all to be saved. By accepting Jesus and walking in the fear of the Lord, we can experience the abundant life He offers and avoid the eternal punishment of Hell.