2027–28: The Paradigm Shift—The Year of the Beast

"Explore the pivotal years of 2027–2028 with Robby Garnier as he delves into the anticipated global financial shift, dubbed 'The Year of the Beast.' Uncover the secrets behind the world's financial elite, the history of major economic events, and the potential for the greatest recession ever. This eye-opening discussion will challenge your perception of global power structures and the true forces driving major historical events."

2027–28: The Paradigm Shift—The Year of the Beast

2027–28: The Paradigm Shift—The Year of the Beast

Hello there, how are you? My name is Robby Garnier. Today, we will discuss the years 2027–2028, which I believe will be pivotal for the global financial industry. I'm referring to this period as a single year, the year that changes everything. We are likely to experience a recession, and not just any recession, but the greatest one ever.

Most people are unaware of what's coming. Have you ever wondered why individuals are building billion-dollar bunkers? They must know something that we don't. Indeed, they are part of a group. You might call them the Illuminati or something similar. Yes, the Illuminati exist, but this situation is entirely different. These individuals are part of a network of powerful families.

Consider the media landscape. A decade ago, there were over 6,000 independent media outlets worldwide. Now, they are all owned by six corporations connected to these families. The information they broadcast is precisely what they want you to hear and act upon.

Let's focus on a particular year in this context—a financial turning point. The Rothschilds established the banking system as we know it today. They own virtually every central bank in the world, including the Reserve Bank of India. It is not true that the Indian government owns the Reserve Bank of India just because it goes by that name. Similarly, an agency or company with 'of India' in its name doesn't imply government ownership.

I'm going to provide you with a few key points to consider. It's your responsibility to examine them. Remember when YouTube and Google started and information was freely available? There was a diversity of content. But if you look now, much of that old content, which could have been enlightening, is gone. What's left is mostly propaganda.

If you choose not to believe this, that's your headache. Go on being a sheeple, being born, schooling, marriage, parenthood, loans, repayment of debt, becoming a no-good sausage, and dying as the prisoner of the system.

Let's delve into the recent history of this band, which you may find intriguing. You might be familiar with the term "Beast of Jekyll Island." This refers to an event from the past when a group of wealthy families met on Jekyll Island, near America, to establish an institution now known as the Federal Reserve.

You've likely heard of the Federal Reserve. One individual, John Jacob Astor, who was the wealthiest man in the world at that time, opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve. And what happened to him? He was killed. You might wonder how. The answer is quite shocking: the Titanic.

The sinking of the Titanic was not merely a tragedy; it was a calculated drama orchestrated to eliminate Astor and to claim an insurance payout. There were two objectives: to ensure Astor's death and to secure the insurance money. Moreover, the ship that sank was not actually the Titanic. It was its twin sister, the Olympic, which had been renamed the Titanic.

Before the incident, the Olympic had been in for repairs due to damage from a collision. Meanwhile, the ship Carpathia was strategically positioned to arrive in time to rescue the passengers. However, things did not go as planned. There was some miscommunication, and perhaps the intention wasn't to cause such a high number of casualties. Nonetheless, it was certain that Astor would be among those who perished.

The individuals behind this plot, including a man named J.P. Morgan Chase, managed to avoid the disaster themselves. In fact, J.P. Morgan Chase canceled his ticket at the last moment due to a sudden illness but was spotted walking on the street the following day.

After the Titanic's demise, the Federal Reserve came into existence, and that's when the situation truly escalated.

People became slaves—debtors to the system. Money is now under their control.

There are countless examples today that suggest the world is not as we perceive it to be. However, I'll focus on what directly impacts us, particularly freelancers.

Let's begin with the Great Recession of 1929. Every decade has a significant event, as seen in the pattern from 1929 to the present. This could be a recession, a war, or something else that reshapes financial strategies. It's crucial to recognize that the world operates not under democracy but under the influence of banks. Banks are the true powers governing the world. The financial capital is London, where many people own properties across the globe. There's a constant exchange: London sells, America buys, and vice versa. The world's economy is intricately connected through these transactions, shaping the global market.

Every ten years, we witness events such as wars, the sale of weapons, recessions, and man-made catastrophes. Sometimes, natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis occur when nature reaches its limits. But let's focus on the man-made aspects.

Consider the recession of 2008. It was initially expected to occur in 1999. How was it postponed? The World Trade Center attack played a role. Larry Silverstein had insured the World Trade Centre for 13 billion dollars before the attack. Before he could pay the first premium, the buildings were destroyed on September 11th—a date predicted by cartoons and movies, which I doubt was a coincidence.

There are subtle hints, like in the movie Terminator 2, where a caution sign is visible in a scene with a truck in the flood channels (look it up). They leave these kinds of predictions, but most people fail to notice them.

On the day before the inauguration of a significant watch, a prominent member of one of those families was featured on the cover of Time magazine. His watch was set to the time of the 9/11 event. It seems that even before the World Trade Centre was built, certain events were planned according to celestial alignments.

As a side note, September 11th is also considered by some to be the actual birthday of Jesus Christ, which adds another layer of significance to that date for the occultists, who have dedicated the catastrophic event as a sacrifice to please Satan.

Click Here to Read Part 2