The Controversial Book of Enoch: A Different Perspective
Unveil the mysteries beyond controversy! Explore the Book of Enoch with a fresh lens, examining its historical context, diverse interpretations, and potential insights into ancient wisdom, cosmology, and the human condition.

Do you know that Catholics have 73 holy books and Protestants have 66? The Vatican sometimes does not focus on the biblical Apocrypha, which are additional religious writings. These books share stories that challenge long-held teachings. It's fascinating to consider how many people would have believed Jesus's teachings if he appeared angry, focused only on himself, and didn't treat women well. It's odd that the Gospel of Thomas discusses the Saviour in this manner. The Gospel of Barnabas says that Christ was only a human and not the Son of God. This text tells us that during the Last Supper, it is said that Christ escaped by jumping out of a window, while Judas Iscariot was killed instead of him. A text from the time of the Old Testament that is even stranger makes this image of Christ seem questionable. In this sacred book, we are taught that angels are made of physical matter, like humans. It also mentions that people traveled to space before us and suggests that God is an extraterrestrial being. The Vatican does not believe in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, despite its claim of having incredible revelations. Could it be that the church dislikes the text because it contains significant information that is not compatible with the current church?
The Book of Enoch
In 1946, young shepherds from Palestine discovered old books in clay pots in a remote cave. The first Book of Enoch was one of these writings. Enoch is mentioned in the Bible, but only very briefly. Enoch lived a long time ago, around 3000 BC, and he was only on earth for 65 years. In contrast, Genesis states that he lived with God for another 300 years. Theologians are still debating the true meaning of this phrase. Bible experts have recently developed an intriguing new concept.
Some ancient sources suggest that Enoch was no ordinary man during his time on earth, which I find fascinating. According to the ancient Egyptian chronicle known as Kitt, Enoch is said to have played a role in the building of the Great Pyramids. His name is inscribed on the Weld Blundell Prism, an ancient Sumerian object that lists the names of important rulers from that time. Enoch may have received additional information through these connections that is only briefly mentioned in the Bible. Why did the Vatican dislike his writing so much?
The Book of Enoch tells of things that happened a long time ago, especially before the Great Flood. In the beginning, it is about how the world was created and about the first humans, Adam and Eve. Although there are a few differences, this fragment is largely consistent with the original biblical texts. But it does not mention any events that are not in the Bible. In the book of Genesis, which is known to all Christians, it is mentioned that girls from the earth married sons of God for an unknown reason. As a result, great children were born. Enoch wrote a book about something that is only mentioned a few times in the Bible. What happened in the world at that time?
Enoch said that the fallen angels, whom he also called the Nephilim, were the children of God. These angels chose to live with people instead of returning to heaven, even though God had instructed them not to do so. Samyaza, the leader of the Nephilim, instructed them to share their knowledge of astronomy, metallurgy, magic, and medicine with humans. However, these new sciences only made things more unjust, as those who learned them quickly began to oppress others. Furthermore, the Nephilim themselves began to commit sins. Whenever these beings from another world attracted a woman, she gave birth to a very large child. However, the earth did not have enough resources to support such a large number of giants.
Enoch explains that God sent a great flood to destroy the giants and restore peace to the world. Many people used to believe in this story, and even some ancient texts, such as the Epistle of Jude, mentioned it. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church considers the Book of Enoch to be an important part of its Bible. However, the Vatican has not included the Book of Enoch in the official Bible because it does not agree with the concept that divine beings cause sin on earth. In traditional Christianity, sin only exists within individuals. Some church members strongly rejected the Book of Enoch and even claimed that it was superior to other books.
A British scholar named Henry Haymon published a long report in 1898 claiming that Enoch did not write the ancient text. Instead, Haymon believed that a group of unknown authors who had nothing to do with religion were responsible for its creation. People are still talking about how controversial the Book of Enoch is. The website Tomorrow's World recently published an article claiming that the Book of Enoch is not real. But someone might ask: Why does the Vatican want to prove that this ancient book is not true? If the Book of Enoch and the official Bible have only minor differences, it could mean that there are more secrets hidden. Is it possible that claiming that history doesn't always agree is just an easy way to avoid discussing these mysteries?
Ancient Stories and Connections
Especially when you consider how well this old book agrees with other ancient stories. Enoch wrote in great detail about the giants, the Nephilim. It seems as if he knew them personally. There is new information that suggests that this idea isn't so unrealistic. Great men are mentioned in Greek stories, in the Old Testament, and in other stories from different countries.
Some of these stories are similar to what Enoch wrote about. This is an interesting coincidence. In Central Africa, certain groups believe that their ancestors descended from a giant named Bomba. Over time, they began to worship Bomba as a deity. Legends say that some Bomba creatures sent messages to Earth to improve the world and help people. However, not all of them were successful, similar to Enoch, who spoke of the Nephilim.
Chinese legends also tell the story of Pangu, a giant who used a large axe to divide the chaotic universe into two equal parts. These parts are known as yin and yang, and they're balanced. Pangu gave his helpers the task of putting the world in order before they went to heaven. Although they're set in different places, these stories can be seen as different interpretations of the events described in Enoch.
Enoch also mentions that the Lord, who was angry, sent the Nephilim to a dark place because the people who served them betrayed them. This similarity raises interesting questions about how these stories are connected. In the Greek stories, there were powerful beings called titans. They were something like the Nephilim. These Titans fought against Zeus, who was the most important god. In the end, Zeus won the battle and imprisoned the Titans in a dark place called Tartarus. It's cool that the words "titan" and "giant" have the same meaning in many languages. This shows that the story of Enoch is directly connected to ancient Greek beliefs. It's curious that the official Bible doesn't mention giants from the past very often. Is it possible that the church wants to keep secret the fact that giants were once much stronger?
Many stories in American legends not only mention giants but also suggest that they lived alongside people in this region. Scientists excavating a burial site have discovered something fascinating. In the middle of the burial mound was a bone that was over two and a half meters long. The deceased person wore copper bracelets on both hands and a heavy metal chain around the chest. This indicates that this giant was highly respected in the past. What made this discovery even more fascinating was the fact that buried near the giant were at least 10 ordinary people who also wore beautiful jewelry. The scientists discovered the burial sites of a very great king and his closest followers. Did giants have power over people in ancient times?
The Book of Enoch supports this idea, even if the Vatican doesn't agree with it. Humans worshipped the giants, who were demigods and related to the Nephilim, even though God had forbidden them to do so. According to some experts, people chose a few giants who had survived the Great Flood to be their leaders. But these leaders didn't know what the Vatican had allegedly kept secret from us for many years.
Could the priests' aversion to the Book of Enoch be based on Enoch's bold claims? The author of the ancient book suggested that the Nephilim, often thought to be fallen angels, might actually be extraterrestrial beings from another planet. This idea may sound crazy, especially since Enoch lived 5,000 years ago. However, Enoch's story contains surprisingly accurate information about how the world works, similar to what is mentioned in the Bible.
Enoch lived on earth a long time ago, so it is understandable that he did not know much about the stars. Nevertheless, his book contains many helpful details about stars and celestial objects. One chapter is about how the sun and moon pass through certain gates. Enoch agrees that the moon does not make its own light. It reflects the sunlight, which is why we see different stages of the moon. We can draw two interesting conclusions from these accounts. Enoch knew that the earth is round and that it orbits the sun.
Unfortunately, many of us believe that Nicolaus Cernus and Galileo Galilei were the first to discuss this topic in the 16th century. Enoch's writings are also about how the stars are divided into different categories. Enoch says that we can distinguish stars by their weight, brightness, and distance from Earth and other objects in space. Currently, scientists categorise stars into groups based on how bright they are, how big they are, and how far away they are from Earth. It's cool that ancient writings have numbers that match what we see today.
Enoch developed a method to determine the positions of the sun and moon on each day that is still valid today. But how did Enoch learn all this? Even if we believe that he was very clever for his time, it is unlikely that he figured these things out by looking at the stars at night from the earth. He may have had the opportunity to see the Earth from space, which would explain why he understood it so well.
Enoch mentions a phenomenon that he calls the "treasury of light and thunder." This is a special phenomenon in the earth's atmosphere where light energy accumulates between the clouds and then falls to the ground during thunderstorms. Most people refer to this as normal lightning, but it is not visible as it occurs on Earth. However, workers on the space station orbiting the Earth have the opportunity to observe this event on a daily basis. Enoch, a prophet, claimed that the supreme God granted him great knowledge and allowed him to visit the palace of the supreme God. Enoch described a building with crystal floors and walls that reflected light. A bright, icy light, reminiscent of fire and snow, illuminated the building.
This image is similar to the lights we use today, and the most incredible thing about this house is that it can float in the air. This means that Enoch believed that the earth has a round shape and moves around the sun. Did you know that there is an ancient Indian story that mentions a Vimana, a bright, flying house in the sky where gods could live? That's pretty fascinating! If you compare the Book of Enoch with the Hindu stories, it seems like they deal with similar themes. The castle that could fly could easily have been so far away, even though Enoch couldn't have been in such a distant place in the world.
The Book of Enoch is perhaps not a religious book but a detailed story about encounters with extraterrestrials. The Vatican may not have liked it for that reason. Christians believe that God and angels live outside this world. The Book of Enoch contains some interesting ideas about extraterrestrial aspects related to this belief. Consider the enigmatic word in the Bible that mentions that Enoch walked alongside God for 300 years. This could mean that he travelled through space with the Lord.
According to the Book of Enoch, angels helped him take a bath with a pleasant-smelling liquid that was reminiscent of incense. They also provided him with a holy garment that exuded a radiant white glow. The Lord did not allow Enoch to enter his secret house or begin his journey until everything was prepared. We can easily understand that this text is meant to express that a good man is made clean before he meets God. But do not forget that this is not the original book of Enoch.
In the 1700s, a traveler in Egypt discovered an ancient text that led him to Europe, where he found the book. Then Professor Richard Lawrence, who had his own opinion, translated this writing from Hebrew into English. Lawrence had difficulty understanding certain parts of the Book of Enoch. He did not give up and rephrased these strange sentences in his own words, leaving out certain parts. When the new information was published, other experts tried to interpret the text in their own way, but this only made things more complicated. With each new version of the Book of Enoch, more popular ideas and interpretations were added. This led to certain passages resembling the sermons we hear today. As a result, the original meaning of the book became increasingly incomprehensible.
But you can still understand the rest of the text if you look at it from a different perspective that is not based on religion. Imagine you were living in a time long past, and suddenly aliens came to visit. What do you think about this visit if you know nothing about their technology? You could use simple comparisons or stories from mythology to describe what happened. That's exactly what Enoch did. He made an effort to explain the incredible events, but the religious messages only became clear much later because different translators understood his words in different ways.
The astronauts from other planets turned into heavenly beings, like angels and cherubim. Their leaders became archangels and served the Lord, who was the supreme commander. The panels that can withstand heat turned into shiny crystals that resemble mirrors, and the LED lights turned into a cool and fiery appearance. The spaceships also transformed over time and became beautiful flying residences. In this situation, the part where the angels used incense to wash Enoch and put him in a white robe became a way for the people from Earth to purify themselves when they came on board. Then they put on spacesuits. The suits were all white, which matched Enoch's extensive knowledge of the stars. It seems that the alien angels showed him around and taught him, but the old writer didn't understand everything and could only understand some of what they said.
However, one question is still unanswered. Why do we often believe that aliens must be completely different kinds of life, such as intelligent reptiles or rocks that can talk? Enoch believes that the fallen extraterrestrial angels resemble humans. How did he manage to communicate with them?
In 1984, a British astronomer named Fred Hoy shared an intriguing idea in his book "Evolution from Space." He said that life could have started somewhere other than Earth. He also mentioned that this advanced extraterrestrial society is now able to live on other planets that can sustain life. Hoy believes that this society from outer space is responsible for the advancement of humanity. This means that humans are not a new kind of living being but are descended from beings who lived on Earth a long time ago. In this situation, we are a group from another planet lost in space. We are like a branch of a larger society. Although our climate and millions of years of evolution have changed our appearance, we still have some similarities with our cosmic ancestors.
Enoch referred to the fallen angels as humanoid and not human, indicating that they are distinctly different from us. This idea can also help us understand the connection between the Nephilim and our women. One idea is that women on Earth may have had babies with beings from other planets. If we all have the same parent, our DNA contains Neanderthal DNA. This suggests that different types of humans have mated with each other. We are currently sending messages into space. These messages are not only an attempt to communicate with other living beings but also with our ancestors from long ago.
The Vatican and scholars have said that the stories in the Book of Enoch are either fabricated or deliberately false. However, there is further corroboration for the Book of Enoch. The Dogon people of western Sudan have some interesting stories to tell. In the 1970s, an American researcher named Carl Sagan made these stories known. The people who live here said that a true god came to them and told them some secrets about the universe. These myths were different from the usual stories told in this area. At first, it may have seemed like a dream, but it turned out that someone from Europe had visited the area in the 1930s. The Dogon believed he was supernatural because they had never seen anyone like him before. The tourist probably told stories about Sirius that came from a famous book. These stories became complicated myths in just a few decades.
Frequently asked questions
Q: Why does the Vatican not believe in the Book of Enoch, which is not included in the Bible?
The Vatican does not recognize the apocryphal Book of Enoch because it contains stories and ideas that contradict the teachings of the Catholic Church. The book says that gods brought sin to earth, which contradicts the common Christian belief that sin is only in people.
Q: Are there things that are the same between the Book of Enoch and other ancient stories?
Yes, the Book of Enoch is similar to other ancient stories from different cultures. These similarities include talk of giants, fallen angels, and heavenly beings. Some stories also talk about similar things, such as a great flood and the existence of intelligent beings.
Q: Why do people argue about the Book of Enoch?
The Book of Enoch is a controversial book because it contains ideas and stories that are not in the official Bible. Some religious authorities believe that the book is not a product of a higher power and should not be considered part of the canonical Bible. However, some people consider the book valuable because it contains a different perspective and interesting ideas.
Q: Is there scientific evidence for the claims in the Book of Enoch?
Scientists don't agree with the ideas in the Book of Enoch, but some people say there are similarities between what the book says and what scientists know today. For example, Enoch believed that the Earth is round and moves around the sun, which is also what modern astronomy says. However, it is important to remember that science has not confirmed any of the connections we think we see.
Q: Are there different editions of the Book of Enoch?
Yes, there are different versions of the Book of Enoch. People believe that the original text is missing, and the versions we have now are translations and explanations made by different experts. Different versions of the book may contain different things and be understood in different ways. This can lead to people seeing the meaning and importance of the book in different ways.