Unlocking the Secret to Income When There Is a Lockdown

The current pandemic has undoubtedly brought unprecedented challenges to our lives, including financial difficulties

Unlocking the Secret to Income When There Is a Lockdown

Unlocking the Secret to Income When There Is a Lockdown

The current pandemic has undoubtedly brought unprecedented challenges to our lives, including financial difficulties. As the world faces a lockdown situation, your traditional sources of income might have been affected. However, don't lose hope just yet. Believe it or not, there is a way to generate income during a lockdown and even earn 10–20% every month.

Yes, you read that right. It's possible to secure an income stream with a return of 10–20% every month, even in these uncertain times. The secret lies in finding alternative sources of income and adapting to the new normal that the lockdown has brought about.

Key Takeaways

  • Despite the lockdown situation, it's still possible to earn income and even get a 10-20% return every month.
  • Finding alternative sources of income and adapting to the new normal is essential in securing income during a lockdown.
  • Investing and building passive income streams are some of the ways to generate income during a lockdown.
  • Diversifying income sourcesleveraging online marketplacesbuilding a personal brand, and embracing remote work and freelancing can secure income opportunities.

The Impact of Lockdown on Income

As an individual, the lockdown has impacted my income in ways that I never thought possible. The sudden shift in the economy and the restrictions on movement have significantly affected my earning capacity. I know that I am not alone in this situation, and many of us are struggling to make ends meet amidst the uncertainty of the times we are in.

The impact of lockdown on income is evident in the sudden loss of jobs, reduced work hours, pay cuts, and the closure of businesses. The hospitality and travel industry has been hit the hardest, with many people left without jobs or a source of income. Even those with stable jobs are struggling to maintain their standard of living as expenses continue to rise.

The challenges we face in generating income during a lockdown can be overwhelming, and it is essential to acknowledge the impact it has on our mental health. It can be discouraging and demotivating to experience such a significant disruption in our lives without any clear indication of when things will return to normal.

It is crucial to remain optimistic and focus on finding alternative ways to generate income during this time. It may require some creativity and a willingness to learn new skills, but it is possible to adapt and overcome the challenges we face.

In the next sections of this article, I will explore different strategies that can be employed to generate income during a lockdown situation. These strategies include adapting to the new normal, exploring online income opportunitiesinvesting as a lockdown income strategybuilding a passive income streamdiversifying income sourcesleveraging online marketplacesbuilding a personal brand, and embracing remote work and freelancing. Each of these strategies offers unique opportunities to generate income and overcome the impact of the lockdown on our financial well-being.

Adapting to the New Normal

As the world grapples with the effects of the ongoing pandemic, it has become clear that the way we live and work has changed dramatically. The new normal dictates that we find ways to adapt to the current situation and find innovative solutions to the challenges we face. As I explore income opportunities during this lockdown, I realise that adapting to the new normal is key to unlocking the secret to income when there is a lockdown.

The first step in adapting to the new normal is accepting the changes that have taken place. While it may be challenging to accept the limitations that the lockdown has imposed on us, it is essential to acknowledge them and work with what we have. The ability to pivot and adjust our expectations is critical to our success in generating income during this time.

Another crucial aspect of adapting to the new normal is the need to be flexible and open to new ideas. With traditional income streams limited, it is essential to explore alternative opportunities. By staying informed and keeping an open mind, we can identify new income sources and develop the skills required to excel at them.

Adapting to the new normal also requires us to leverage technology and digital platforms. As the world becomes increasingly digitised, businesses that are online are thriving, and the demand for remote services has never been higher. By investing in the digital realm, we can tap into a global network of customers and clients and expand our income opportunities.

Finally, adapting to the new normal requires us to be resilient and persistent. Generating income during a lockdown is not easy, and there will be setbacks and challenges along the way. However, by staying motivated and persevering through the tough times, we can unlock the secret to income when there is a lockdown.

Adapting to the new normal is crucial to our success in generating income during this lockdown. By accepting the changes that have taken place, being flexible and open to new ideas, leveraging technology and digital platforms, and staying resilient and persistent, we can unlock the secret to income when there is a lockdown.

Exploring online income opportunities

When the world went into lockdown, many people were left without a source of income. However, the digital age has opened up countless opportunities to earn money online. With the right skills, mindset, and strategies, you can unlock the potential of online income opportunities and earn a steady stream of revenue even during a lockdown.


E-commerce platforms like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay have made it possible for anyone to sell products online without the need for a physical store. You can source products from wholesalers or make your own and sell them through these platforms. With a little research and marketing skills, you can tap into a massive customer base and earn a substantial income.

Online surveys and user testing

Companies in various industries are always looking for feedback on their products or services. Online survey and user testing websites, such as Swagbucks, UserTesting, and Userlytics, offer you an opportunity to earn money by simply sharing your opinions and feedback. Although the pay may not be high, it is an easy way to earn some extra cash.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people's products and earning a commission on sales. You can become an affiliate marketer by signing up for affiliate programmes on websites like Amazon, Clickbank, and ShareASale and then promoting the products to your audience. With the right niche and audience targeting, affiliate marketing can be a highly profitable online income opportunity.

Online Freelancing

If you have a particular skill or talent, such as writing, graphic design, or programming, you can offer your services as a freelancer. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients looking for their services. Freelancing offers flexibility, allowing you to work on your own terms and earn a decent income.

These are just a few examples of the many online income opportunities available. With the right mindset and determination, you can explore these options and find the one that works best for you. So why wait? Start exploring online income opportunities today and unlock your potential for earning income during a lockdown.

Investing as a Lockdown Income Strategy

As I navigate through the challenges of earning a steady income during a lockdown, I have discovered that investing can be a viable solution. While it is true that investing always comes with risks, the potential returns can be significant, especially during uncertain times.

One strategy is to invest in stocks of companies that provide essential goods and services, such as healthcare, technology, and delivery services. Another option is to invest in commodities such as gold and silver, which tend to hold their value during economic downturns.

Real estate can also be a profitable investment, especially when prices are low. With the shift towards remote work, investing in property in suburban or rural areas may be a smart move.

For those who prefer a more hands-off approach, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) offer a diversified portfolio of investments managed by professionals. These options are ideal for beginners who want to invest without the stress of monitoring individual stocks.

Remember to do your research and seek professional advice before investing your hard-earned money. But with the right strategy, investing can provide a significant source of income during a lockdown.

Building a passive income stream

Are you tired of constantly hustling to earn a living during a lockdown? It's time to consider building a passive income stream. With passive income, you can earn money while you sleep, which is a great way to supplement your income during a lockdown.

Passive income is money earned with little to no effort on your part. It's the opposite of active income, which is money earned by exchanging your time and skills for a paycheck. With passive income, you invest your time and money upfront and then reap the rewards over time.

One of the easiest ways to generate passive income is by investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate. These investments can generate consistent and reliable returns that can supplement your income during a lockdown. However, it's important to do your research and understand the risks associated with each investment.

Another way to generate passive income is by creating digital products or online courses. Once you have created the product, you can sell it repeatedly without putting in much effort. You can also consider affiliate marketing, where you promote other people's products and earn a commission for each sale.

Do you have a talent or skill that can be used to create a product or service? You can turn that talent into a passive income source. For example, if you're a writer, you can write an eBook or start a blog and earn income through ads and affiliate marketing. If you're a graphic designer, you can sell templates or create an online course teaching others how to create stunning designs.

Passive Income Ideas and Strategies

Here are some more passive income ideas and strategies that you can implement:

  • Create a YouTube channel and earn money through ads and sponsorships
  • Invest in a rental property and earn monthly rental income
  • Create and sell digital art or stock photos
  • Develop an app that generates revenue through in-app purchases or ads
  • Invest in a dividend-paying stock or exchange-traded fund (ETF)
  • Become an Airbnb host and earn money by renting out your home or apartment

Building a passive income stream takes time and effort, but it's worth it. It can provide you with a stable and consistent source of income during a lockdown, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life. Remember, the key to building a successful passive income stream is to be patient and persistent. Don't give up, and you'll soon be reaping the rewards of a passive income lifestyle.

Diversifying income sources

As we navigate the uncertain times brought about by the lockdown, it's important to diversify our income sources to mitigate risks and ensure financial stability. Dependence on a single source of income is risky, especially when that source is under threat from outside forces like a pandemic. 

Diversifying income sources can take many forms. It could mean finding a secondary job or source of income, starting a side hustle, investing in various assets, or exploring different business ventures.

Identifying complementary businesses or industries that are not as severely affected by the lockdown is one way to diversify your income sources. For instance, if you run a restaurant that has been forced to close during the lockdown, you can explore alternative avenues such as selling meal kits or partnering with local supermarkets to sell your signature dishes.

Investing in diverse assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate is another way to spread financial risk. Different asset classes perform differently based on market conditions, so investing in a variety of them can provide a buffer against market volatility.

Creating multiple income streams can also mean pursuing different types of work or clients. Freelancers, for example, can seek out work in different niches or industries or even consider taking on part-time employment to supplement their income.

Diversifying income sources can seem daunting, but it's important to remember that it's a gradual process. Start by assessing your current income sources, identifying potential risks, and brainstorming alternative avenues that align with your skills and interests.

By diversifying your income sources, you can not only weather the storm of the lockdown but also set yourself up for long-term financial success. Don't put all your eggs in one basket; explore and diversify your income streams today.

Leveraging online marketplaces

During a lockdown, many businesses have shifted their focus to online marketplaces to sell their products and services. As a freelancer or independent entrepreneur, you can also leverage these platforms to reach a wider audience and increase your income potential.

Some of the popular online marketplaces include Amazon, Etsy, eBay, and Fiverr. Before you start selling your products or services on these platforms, create a detailed business plan, identify your target audience, and optimise your offerings to stand out from the competition.

One of the advantages of online marketplaces is that they provide a ready-made customer base and an established platform to sell your products or services. You can showcase your expertise and build a loyal customer base by providing high-quality products or services.

Another advantage of online marketplaces is that they handle the transaction process, so you don't have to worry about payment processing or shipping logistics. This allows you to focus on delivering high-quality products or services and growing your business.

However, it's important to keep in mind that online marketplaces charge a commission fee for every transaction. Therefore, it's crucial to factor in these fees when pricing your products or services to ensure that you make a profit.

Online marketplaces can provide a significant boost to your income during a lockdown. By identifying the right platforms, optimising your offerings, and delivering high-quality products or services, you can leverage the power of online marketplaces to build a successful business and increase your income potential.

Building a personal brand

In today's digital age, establishing a personal brand has become more crucial than ever before. Whether you are a freelancer, a small business owner, or an employee, building a personal brand can open up countless opportunities for you to earn income, especially during a lockdown.

When you build a personal brand, you are essentially marketing yourself as a brand identity. By showcasing your skills, experience, and knowledge, you can establish yourself as an authority in your domain. This can help you attract clients and customers, gain the trust of your audience, and grow your network.

So, how can you build a personal brand during a lockdown? Here are a few tips:

Create an online presence.

Before you start building your personal brand, you need to establish an online presence. This means creating profiles on social media platforms, building a website or blog, and optimising your online profiles to showcase your skills and experience.

Make sure that your online profiles reflect your personal brand and are consistent across all platforms. This will help you build trust with your audience and establish yourself as a credible professional.

Showcase your expertise.

One of the best ways to build a personal brand is to showcase your expertise in your domain. This can be done by creating and sharing valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, or infographics.

By sharing your knowledge and experience, you can position yourself as an expert in your field. This can help you attract clients and customers and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Network and collaborate.

Networking and collaboration are key to building a personal brand. Connect with other professionals in your industry, attend webinars and virtual events, and participate in online communities.

Collaborate with other professionals to create valuable content or offer services to your clients or customers. This can help you expand your reach, grow your network, and establish yourself as a credible professional.


Building a personal brand is an essential part of establishing yourself as a credible professional. By creating an online presence, showcasing your expertise, networking, and collaborating with others, you can build a strong personal brand that will help you secure income opportunities during a lockdown.

Embracing Remote Work and Freelancing

As I navigate through the challenges of earning a steady income during a lockdown, I have found that remote work and freelancing present viable solutions. With technology enabling us to work from anywhere, these options offer flexibility and financial stability.

One of the benefits of remote work is the wide range of opportunities available. From virtual assistants to social media managers, there are many roles that can be performed remotely. Freelancing, on the other hand, offers the ability to utilise existing skills and expertise to secure clients and projects.

While finding remote work or freelancing gigs may seem daunting at first, there are various platforms and websites dedicated to connecting individuals with potential employers or clients. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr provide a vast array of opportunities for people with diverse skill sets.

Additionally, building a strong online presence and personal brand can attract potential clients and showcase one's expertise. Utilising social media and creating a professional website can help establish credibility and authority in one's field.

Embracing remote work and freelancing not only provides a solution for earning income during a lockdown, but it also offers opportunities for growth and development. With the potential to work on diverse projects for clients from all over the world, individuals can expand their skill sets and broaden their professional network.

Overall, remote work and freelancing present a promising solution for those seeking income during a lockdown. With dedication, hard work, and the right mindset, anyone can embrace these opportunities and secure a stable source of income.


In the face of a lockdown, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about income opportunities. However, by adopting the right approaches and mindset, it is possible to generate income even during these challenging times. As I have discussed in this article, there are numerous strategies to unlock the secret to income when there is a lockdown. By exploring online income opportunities, building a passive income stream, investing, diversifying income sources, leveraging online marketplaces, building a personal brand, and embracing remote work and freelancing, individuals can earn 10–20% every month. It is crucial to adapt to the new normal and find ways to adjust to the current situation. By doing so, we can identify and capitalise on income opportunities that may not have been feasible before.

It is necessary to remember that generating income during a lockdown is not impossible. With the right mindset, determination, and effort, we can turn challenges into opportunities and secure our financial stability. As we conclude this article, I encourage you to take action and implement the strategies discussed. Don't wait for opportunities to come knocking at your door; go out and find them. Remember to keep an open mind, be flexible, and stay motivated. By doing so, you can not only survive but also thrive during a lockdown, earning a steady income and achieving financial freedom. So go ahead and unlock the secret to income when there is a lockdown. Do not let the lockdown bring you down. Keep hustling, keep striving, and keep earning. You've got this!


Q: How can I earn income during a lockdown?

A: There are various income opportunities available even during a lockdown. By exploring online income opportunities, investing, building a passive income stream, and diversifying income sources, you can generate income even in uncertain times.

Q: How does a lockdown impact income?

Lockdown measures can limit traditional income sources and create challenges for individuals. However, by adapting to the new normal, leveraging online marketplaces, embracing remote work and freelancing, and building a personal brand, you can overcome these challenges and find new income opportunities.

Q: What are some online income opportunities?

The online world offers a wide range of income opportunities. You can explore e-commerce, online freelancing, digital product sales, affiliate marketing, and more. The key is to identify your interests and skills and find the right platform to monetize them.

Q: Is investing a viable income strategy during a lockdown?

Investing can be a smart income strategy during a lockdown. While there are risks involved, with proper research and a long-term perspective, you can benefit from potential returns and take advantage of investment opportunities that arise during uncertain times.

Q: How can I build a passive income stream during a lockdown?

Building a passive income stream involves establishing revenue streams that require minimal effort to maintain. You can consider options like rental properties, dividend stocks, royalties from digital products, or creating an online course. The goal is to generate income even when you're not actively working.

Q: Why is it important to diversify income sources during a lockdown?

A: Diversifying income sources helps mitigate risks during a lockdown. By relying on multiple income streams, you reduce the impact of any single source being affected. This way, if one stream is temporarily disrupted, you still have other sources of income to rely on.

Q: How can I leverage online marketplaces to generate income during a lockdown?

Online marketplaces provide a platform to sell products or services to a wide audience. You can establish a presence on platforms like Amazon, Etsy, or eBay and use their tools and resources to maximise your revenue potential. It's crucial to create compelling listings and build a strong brand presence to attract customers.

Q: Why should I focus on building a personal brand during a lockdown?

A: Building a personal brand helps establish your expertise and credibility, making it easier to secure income opportunities. By creating an online presence through social media, blogging, or podcasting, you can attract clients or customers who resonate with your brand and are willing to pay for your products or services.

Q: Are there remote work and freelancing opportunities during a lockdown?

A: Absolutely! Remote work and freelancing have become increasingly popular, and the demand for remote workers is on the rise. Many companies are embracing remote work models and hiring freelancers for various tasks. Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer can help you find remote work opportunities and build a successful freelancing career.

Q: How can I earn 10–20% every month during a lockdown?

Earning 10–20% every month during a lockdown requires a strategic approach. By combining the various income strategies mentioned earlier, such as investing, online income opportunities, and building a passive income stream, you can aim for higher returns and achieve your income goals even in challenging times.



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