Now is the time to act - Our Financial Future
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Now is the time to act - Our Financial Future
Dear Sir/ Ma'am,
Greetings from TradeFxP. TradeFxP is a 100% subsidiary of NaFa Markets of the UAE which has been in business for almost fifteen years, and as CEO of TradeFxP, I would like to update you on our financial future. Whenever I speak of our financial future, I mean ours together.
Beginning in 2023, the world will undergo this change. As I will be brief, some of the things I will mention need to be researched by you. All of us survived the 2008 recession and the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a dramatic event every 10 years that changes our finances, lifestyle, and thought processes.
The US Dollar dominates the world, and many nuclear states are upset about it. Cryptocurrencies will soon fade away to make way for individual nations to issue their own digital money. Our currency will be CFDC, which will be announced this year. We all know how the USA's politics work, so what's happening in Asia and the Middle East does not please them. To protect their petrodollars, they will do anything. Their main source of income is through causing conflicts and wars in different parts of the world.
The dollar supremacy will be maintained at any cost by the USA, even if it means a recession in America and around the world. China and Russia are the other two forces openly challenging this, while India is a silent partner. Since India cannot trust China, it does not oppose the US. However, America will realize their petrodollar is headed to doom island.
There is going to be a great recession, that's what I'm saying. Because of its intentional nature, it will last a long time.
Are you aware that big financial institutions and government-oriented banks are abandoning currency and investing in gold? When I say gold in India, I am not referring to physical gold. Let's say you have physical gold in your house and there is a recession. You cannot eat gold for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. To buy food for yourself and your loved ones, you need cash.
Now that you need cash to pay for food and other expenses, you want to sell or pawn your gold. There is no cash to buy your gold, so no one will buy it. There will be an impact on everyone and every sector. It will affect small and medium businesses as well as ordinary people. Nobody will tell you this, because they don't want you to know.
How can we survive?
Number One
Like the big institutions, buy gold and other precious metals. Invest in Gold ETFs through a bank that is government-oriented, not through private ones. In India, I would choose SBI. Consider investing in precious metals as well. If there is a recession, ETFs will protect you and increase in value. It is important to safeguard your future with a small percentage of your income every month.
If you earn INR 50,000 per month, you can easily buy ETFs for INR 1000 every month. It will increase in value 100s of times when a recession hits, so you can sell it back for enough cash to survive.
Number Two
A small percentage should be allocated to fund management. Select and diversify your funds to several managers when doing this, so that your capital can be saved. In times of hardship, adaptive fund management will provide you with enough of a daily income to cover expenses. The financial market is not a casino, so you cannot consider it gambling if you invest or trade by yourself.
Please reach out to us with any questions, and we will tell you what we've researched and what we're achieving along with customer testimonials. As a result, we fatten our clients' wallets and let them do the things they love without worrying about their finances. Our team knows what we do and what is out there, and we will tell you what others won't.
I hope this letter would instil a desire in you to do more research.
Your Sincerely
Abe Abrams
CEO - TradeFxP
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